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Category:Tailoring (WoW)  

Tailoring (Primary Profession)
IngredientsQuestsRecipes(AJEAMG) • Trainers

Tailoring is a profession for creating cloth-based items.

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What Tailoring Creates

Tailors mostly create cloth armor for casters and for casual wear. An additional important product they supply is bags.

List of Tailoring products

What Tailoring Requires

Tailoring requires cloth, which is a looted item found on most humanoid enemies and occasionally certain other MoBs as well. It does not require much else in general, but many recipes need vendor-bought materials such as dyes and threads.

Is Tailoring For Me?

Tailoring is an excellent tradeskill for mages, priests and warlocks. It is a stand-alone tradeskill that pairs well with enchanting, and creates a few very powerful items.

In terms of making money, tailors often turn to bag-making or to selling special thread that serves as a sort of enchant. Certain items require the creation of special cloths that a tailor can only do once every several days, so even a fairly inactive tailor or an alt can be useful to create these materials such as Mooncloth and Spellcloth.

There are three special epic sets for the three specializations which are very popular with casters.


Tailoring specialization requires a skill of 350 and begins in Lower City in Shattrath. The three areas of focus are Mooncloth (healing-based), Shadoweave (shadow- and frost-based), and Spellfire. (fire- and arcane-based)

Tailoring Quests

This is by no means a complete list.

Quests that are just for tailors

Quests that require products from a tailor:

  • none known (start the list!)

World of Warcraft

This page last modified 2008-05-05 14:20:03.

Articles in category "Tailoring (WoW)"

There are 2 articles in this category.


