Category:Planets (TOR)  

Star Wars:
The Old Republic


The Planets

The known galaxy is more than 100,000 light-years in diameter and consists of billions of star systems. Among these star systems, current estimates suggest there are more than one million inhabited worlds—many of them still unknown. At the current time, several planetary systems have been singled out for further study. It is on these worlds that analysts believe the future of the galaxy will be decided. Profiles of these planetary bodies are available here.[1]

Explore the galaxy interactively on the HoloNet Galaxy Map.

Core Worlds:

Seat of the Empire:

Hutt Space:

Distant Outer Rim:

Unknown Regions:

  1. ^ from The HoloNet

This page last modified 2011-11-15 23:11:58.

Articles in category "Planets (TOR)"

There are 17 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Alderaan (TOR Planet)
Balmorra (TOR Planet)
Belsavis (TOR Planet)
Corellia (TOR Planet)
Coruscant (TOR Planet)
Dromund Kaas (TOR Planet)
Hoth (TOR Planet)
Hutta (TOR Planet)
Ilum (TOR Planet)
Korriban (TOR Planet)
Nar Shaddaa (TOR Planet)
Ord Mantell (TOR Planet)
Quesh (TOR Planet)
Taris (TOR Planet)
Tatooine (TOR Planet)
Tython (TOR Planet)
Voss (TOR Planet)