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Category:Places (Zork)  

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ZAM Network
When you explore an area you have one of the following possible results:
  • Encounter a Monster, which you automatically fight.
  • Find a Battle in progress, which you can join on either side, or flee.
  • If you are on a quest and in the right Place, you may find the quest update.
All of the above consume 1 AP.

The level of the monsters you encounter is determined by your Level and the Level Range of the Place you are exploring. Provided that your Level is with the Range you will explore at that level and the monsters you encounter will be that level. After each fight you have the option to move up one to a tougher level or down one to a safer level (so long as that is still within the Level Range.

Category: ZAM Network
This page last modified 2010-05-11 08:13:20.

Articles in category "Places (Zork)"

There are 9 articles in this category.
