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Add Ons for WotLK (WoW)  

Even though WotLK is still in Beta, many of the common add-ons do work or are being updated to work in it. Following here is a list of the known addons that beta testers can use in the recent build.

Add On Working? Found at
Ace2 Yes Working WotLK branch on Wowace SVN
Ace3 Yes Working WotLK branch on Wowace SVN
Ackis Recipe List Mostly Live branch and release versions have compatibility build in. Configuration options do not work 100%.
Addon Control Panel (ACP) Yes Working WotLK branch on Wowace SVN - patch committed
ag_Unitframes Yes -
AllPlayed Mostly Still missing the XP needed from 70 to 80
Aloft No -
Auctioneer Suite Mostly Partially working WotLK branch Auctioneer SVN and required libs
AuldLangSyne Mostly One error
BadBoy Anti Spam Yes -
Baggins Yes -
BagSlots Yes -
Bankstack Yes Must have libraries embedded. Available on Wowace
BanzaiAlert Yes -
Bartender 3 No -
Bartender 4 Mostly Working WotLK branch on Wowace SVN - requires embedded libs
Bongos 3 No -
BugGrabber Yes -
BugSack Yes -
ButtonFacade Yes -
Cartographer Partially Basic functions work, lots of errors
Cartographer 3 Yes Live version from Curse working.
CCBreaker Yes -
CharacterInfo Partially Basic functions work with one error
CharacterInfoStorage Partially Basic functions work with one error
Chatter Partially Working WotLK branch on Wowace SVN - requires embedded libs
Chippu Yes -
Chinchilla Yes -
ChuckNorrisFacts Yes -
Clique Yes -
ClearFont2 No -
ClosetGnome Yes -
Combuctor Yes Working version found at Tuller's Code Page
ComeHere Yes New Death Knight Mod
CooldownCount Yes -
CowTip Yes -
DevTools Yes At WotLK beta category
Dominos Yes Working version found at Tuller's Code Page
EasyDND Yes Live trunk version working fine - requires embedded trunk or branch libs
Eavesdrop Yes -
Elephant Yes One small SetFont error but addon working (project imported to wowace branches and patch committed)
Examiner Yes -
FishingBuddy No -
FluidFrames Yes -
Fubar 3.0 Yes -
Fubar_Auto_LootFu Yes At Wowinterface WotLK beta category
Fubar_CharacterInfoFu Yes -
Fubar_ClockFu Yes -
Fubar_DominosFu Yes -
Fubar_DurabilityFu Yes -
FuBar_ExperienceFu Yes -
FuBar_FactionsFu Yes -
Fubar_FriendsFu Yes -
FuBar_GarbageFu Yes Must have libraries embedded. Available on Wowace
Fubar_GuildFu Yes -
Fubar_HonorFu Yes -
Fubar_MiniClockFu Yes -
Fubar_MoneyFu Yes -
Fubar_NavigatorFu Yes -
Fubar_PerformanceFu Yes -
Fubar_PetFu Partially Active on fubar but a few features broken.
Fubar_QuestsFu Yes -
Fubar_RecountFu Yes -
Fubar_RegenFu Yes -
Fubar_SkillsPlusFu Yes -
Fubar_TopScoreFu No -
Fubar_VanasKoSFu No -
GatherMate No -
Grid No -
GuildMap No -
HandyNotes No -
HotCandy No -
ItemLevel Yes -
Itemrack 2.24 Yes At Wowinterface WotLK beta category
ItemSync No -
Junk Yes -
Kharthus's Hunter Timers Partially Broken features
KLH Threat Meter No Author still awaiting beta key but plans to have a version working.
Mapster Partially Can't select zones
MikScrollingBattleText Yes At Wowinterface WotLK beta category
MiniChat Yes -
MiniPet No -
MobSpells Yes -
Omen No -
OmniCC Yes At Wowinterface WotLK beta category
OneBag Yes -
Outfitter No -
Perl Classic Unit Frames Yes At Wowinterface WotLK beta category]
Pitbull Partially Settings -> uncheck auras or edit the file
Postal No -
Prat Yes Working WotLK branch Prat 3.0 on Wowace SVN
QualityID Yes Download available at both WoW Interface & Curse
Quartz Partially Except Buff/Debuff bars - disable
Recount Yes -
SeriousBuffTimers Yes -
Skinner No -
Squeenix Yes -
StatBlockCore Yes -
Titan At Wowinterface WotLK beta category
TrinketMenu Yes -
TomTom Yes -
Tourguide Yes Old world content only (no Northrend guides)
WowLua Yes -
X-Perl At WotLK beta category

Allakhazam credits this article at WoWWiki for some of the info in this article.
Licensed under the GFDL.

World of Warcraft

Wrath of the Lich King

This page last modified 2008-08-11 11:17:27.