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A Crystalline Prophecy - Ode to Life Bestowing  

One day, a giant crystal appeared in the skies above Jeuno, triggering a series of unexplained happenings across the land.

Now, adventurers will set forth to unravel the mysteries of this primordial crystal that holds the secret of Vana'diel's past. -Square Enix

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ACP: The First Scenario Expansion

A Crystalline Prophecy - Ode of Life Bestowing, released March 22, 2009, was the first add-on scenario expansion produced for Final Fantasy XI. It was one of three scenario expansions planned for release in 2009.

While other expansions introduced new areas and activities for adventurers, the ACP scenario expansion included only new missions and storyline cutscenes. Before its release, the FFXI development team projected that hardcore players would need roughly two weeks to complete the expansion. However, many players finished ACP within a day of it being released, and many others finished it soon after.

Although ACP was generally slammed by the gaming community, Square Enix managed to work in some new features that hadn't been seen in the game's previous expansion. One such change was that any adventurer could assist with any mission, regardless of his or her own mission progress or completion. Adventurers can also redo ACP missions to potentially obtain high-valued synthesis items or rare, augmented items.

ACP Storyline

The storyline of ACP begins with a large crystal mysteriously appearing in the skies above Jeuno. Everyone in Vana'diel gazes up at the enormous crystal, sensing a song emanating from within it. Then the crystal shatters, raining down glowing shards upon the land.

With the crystal gone, the people of Vana'diel suddenly wake up from their trance-like state and carry on with their lives as if nothing had happened.

From out of nowhere a boy appears, and time stands still; all except for you and him. The mysterious boy says its your purpose to discover the meaning of what just happened. Thus begins the storyline of A Crystalline Prophecy - Ode of Life Bestowing.

ACP Missions

A Crystalline Prophecy - Ode of Life Bestowing contains 12 missions. These missions include:

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2009-06-10 21:09:56.