__DEL__1591865548307's Avatar


Posts: 14
My name is armando(anito) as everyone calls me, i'm 16 and live in florida with my little sis and best friend(who is my mom now), I don't have many things that are special in my life but..., I do have one very special person, her name is briana(kitcat) i love more than anything, and i'm glad that she's in my life, things have been so much better since she's been around, love you :). I like drawing and writing poetry, most people tell me about where their going and what they'll become but i don't really know where i'm going but i do know that i'll know when i get there, some of my best friends are (legendoftime) and (rain) who have treated me like a good friend since the day me and briana started dating and i love them like brothers, glad briana has them, well that's about it. Love you briana, always :)