June 9, 2007

New Items: Ashtongue Talisman of ZealNaturalist's Preserving CinchSkyshatter GauntletsSkyshatter LegguardsHelm of the Illidari ShattererBand of EternityBand of the Abyssal LordWarglaive of AzzinothStaff of Immaculate RecoveryWarglaive of AzzinothShroud of Forgiveness

Updated Items: Warlord's Lamellar ChestplateLegionnaire's Lamellar BreastplateFortitude of the ScourgeCommander's VambracesFrayed GlovesRagged CloakSeer's BeltRecruit's ShirtAdamantite OreSeer's RobeZangar CapsBattered BucklerCorroded Mail GlovesStonemason CloakHellfire CloakRecruit's ShirtRagged Leather BracersRagged Leather GlovesSeer's PantsMaster's CloakAnchorite's RobesSeer's SignetRetainer's BladeBronze FrameworkCoarse Blasting PowderScryer's BloodgemMoonstruck BandsLunatic's ChokerCrazy Cenarion CloakScryers TabardFrayed BracersFrayed BeltPlatemail BracersLight Plate PantsBent Large ShieldA'dal's CommandCrest of the Sha'tarAshyen's GiftTemplar BootsCanvas ShoulderpadsAlexandrite RingSeer's CapeDarkcrest LegguardsFrayed PantsFrayed RobeBloodfist EpauletsLower City PrayerbookFrayed CloakFrayed ShoesRagged Leather BeltRagged Leather BootsRagged Leather PantsRagged Leather VestBlessed Scale GirdleXi'ri's GiftStrength of the UntamedVindicator's BrandTarnished Chain GlovesTarnished Chain LeggingsTarnished Chain VestSquire's ShirtWarden's HauberkGauntlets of the ChosenChain of Glowing TendrilsChestplate of A'dalRetainer's LeggingsWatcher's CowlAuchenai StaffLightwarden's BandVindicator's HauberkMedallion of the LightbearerBlacksteel Throwing DaggerJagged Throwing AxeIronbite ShellImpact ShotBlackflight ArrowWicked ArrowPurified Draenic WaterSimple WoodBuccaneer's GlovesDilapidated Cloth HatJagged ArrowRuined Leather ScrapsZweihanderLight LeatherNetherweave ClothDaylight CloakHearthstoneLucky Circle of the FoolAccurate SlugsSunrise BracersApprentice's ShirtGuild TabardBlacksmith HammerLavishly Jeweled RingLeggings of the Skettis ExileWyrm SashRefreshing Spring WaterBent StaffCopper ModulatorRecruit's BootsNether Runner's CowlBronze TubeCopper TubeNexus-Strider MantleJug of BourbonBlank ParchmentShapeshifter's SignetElemental Blasting PowderLaminated Scale BracersConjurer's StaffLarge Round ShieldRelic Coffer KeyWorn Mag'hari GauntletsPlatemail GlovesMalachiteBroken FangChipped ClawTarnished Chain BracersSmall ShieldScroll of Stamina VCorroded Mail BootsDilapidated Cloth BracersAdamantite FrameAdamantite GrenadeTarnished Chain BootsTarnished Chain BeltBattleworn ClaymoreDilapidated Cloth BootsRecruit's PantsCracked Egg ShellsRecruit's BootsPlucked FeatherTorn Moth WingBroken AntennaPlatemail HelmPlatemail BeltRecruit's PantsGreat Green ElekkApprentice's BootsLeg MeatFlimsy Chain PantsGuild CharterWarmaul HelmetBattery Recharging BlasterSlayer's ChestguardMograine's MightOnslaught GreavesOnslaught BreastplateOnslaught Battle-HelmOnslaught GauntletsOnslaught ShoulderbladesLightbringer FaceguardHigh Bergg HelmJet LoopWarbringer's SpauldersWildcallerCrystalforge GlovesBox of WoodcraftsReaver LegplatesBroken Gleaming Throwing AxeNetherstalker GlovesCrown of the Sea WitchNether-lace RobeRagnaros CoreGladiator's Plate Legguards

Updated Quests: The Spirits of SouthwindAre We There, Yeti?Zaeldarr the OutcastThreat of the WinterfallCarrion GrubbageThe Darkmoon FaireBlood Tinged SkiesDemon DogsA Donation of WoolLuck Be With YouDesert RecipeSkeletal FragmentsRabine SaturnaThe So-Called Mark of the LightbringerGuarding SecretsAlien EcologyRoll the BonesExpedition SalvationEnemy BootyThe New FrontierTo Kill With PurposeUrsius of the ShardtoothWords of the High ChiefHigh Chief WinterfallThe New SpringsThe Restless SoulsMaking Sense of ItGuarding SecretsThe Final PieceAlas, AndorhalBrotherly LoveThe Ranger Lord's BehestThe Wildlife Suffers TooMelding of InfluencesLost!Speak to SalfaUn-Life's Little AnnoyancesChasing A-Me 01Are We There, Yeti?Camp MojacheWastelandBolstering Our DefensesThe Twilight MysterySalve via SkinningDeadly Desert VenomFallen Sky LordsThe Champion of the Banshee QueenA Plague Upon TheeA Little Help From My FriendsWild GuardiansChasing A-Me 01Securing the Supply LinesThe Wildlife Suffers TooDefenders of DarrowshireCapture a MineCorrupted SabersBeware of PterrordaxShizzle's FlyerBloodpetal PoisonA Better IngredientThe Apes of Un'GoroThe Western PylonThe Eastern PylonThe Northern PylonCrystals of PowerWild GuardiansThe Battle for AlteracThe Fare of Lar'korwiThe Mighty U'chaProving GroundsThe Bait for Lar'korwiA Plague Upon TheeThe Forgotten HeirloomThe Annals of DarrowshireElmore's TaskWanted: "Hogger"Magic DustThe Killing FieldsThe People's MilitiaStormpike's DeliveryGoretusk Liver PieWinterfall Ritual TotemScouring the DesertPatrolling WestfallPoor Old BlanchyEnraged WildkinThe Ruins of Kel'TherilTroubled Spirits of Kel'TherilEnraged WildkinEnraged WildkinVolcanic ActivitySilver HeartCentaur BracersApothecary ZamahThe Stagnant OasisKolkar LeadersEcheyakeeA Humble OfferingMarvon's WorkshopHaze of EvilLarion and MuiginStolen SilverThe ZhevraFlute of XavaricHouses of the HolyThe Great Fras SiabiLinken's SwordA Grave SituationMeet at the GraveThe Videre ElixirStrange SourcesDeadwood Ritual TotemLinken's MemoryA Gnome's AssistanceFind RanshallaProwlers of the BarrensThe Disruption EndsAbandoned HopeCommander Gor'shakDisharmony of FireRibbly ScrewspigotCleansing FelwoodFelbound AncientsPurified!A Final BlowYou Scream, I Scream...Into the DepthsSecret of the CircleRites of the EarthmotherSupervisor FizsprocketWarlord's CommandThe Pledge of SecrecyTarget: Felstone FieldAll Along the WatchtowersMuigin and LarionConcerted EffortsOperative BijouBetrayedThe Swamp TalkerKill Grundig DarkcloudA Visit to GreganDearest NataliaThe Heart of the MountainBroodling EssenceBrann Bronzebeard's Lost LetterThe New FrontierRabine SaturnaKrom'GrulNoggle's Last HopeThe Scourge CauldronsTaking Back SilithusPawn Captures QueenThe Rise of the MachinesLethtendris's WebMother's MilkKibler's Exotic PetsKILL ON SIGHT: High Ranking Dark Iron OfficialsMagecraftThe Pack MistressCryptstalker Armor Doesn't Make Itself...It's a Secret to EverybodyThe Everlook ReportIt's a Secret to EverybodyIt's a Secret to EverybodyThe Scent of Lar'korwiEn-Ay-Es-Tee-WhyFinding the SourceThe Rise of the MachinesFelnok SteelspringFeathermoon StrongholdChasing A-Me 01Duke Nicholas ZverenhoffThe Sovereign ImperativeThe Mark of the LightbringerSeeping CorruptionSeeping CorruptionTarget: Dalson's TearsDeadwood of the NorthA Matter of TimeFragments of the PastWinterhoof CleansingKILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron DwarvesWinterfall ActivityKidnapped Elder Torntusk!The Warsong ReportsA Taste of FlameWeapons of ChoiceLittle PamelaSlaying the BeastElven LegendsLethtendris's WebRaptor HornsHarpy RaidersShredding MachinesThe Elder CroneDeepmoss Spider EggsThe Sunken TempleHarpies ThreatenSuper Reaper 6000Isha AwakA Plague Upon TheeThe New FrontierTribal LeatherworkingThe Alliance Needs Your Help!The Guns of NorthwatchTesting an Enemy's StrengthSerpentbloomUntil Death Do Us PartSearching for the Lost SatchelConsumed by HatredTribes at WarEgg HuntSupplies for the CrossroadsThe Forgotten PoolsJob Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk VillageCleansing FelwoodRoot SamplesA Donation of SilkThe Horde Needs Your Help!Heeding the CallAll Along the WatchtowersSuper StickyVerifying the CorruptionForces of JaedenarIn Defense of FrostwolfSergra DarkthornWanted: Vile Priestess Hexx and Her MinionsSister PamelaThe Stonewrought DamRecharging the BatteriesArugal's FollyBorder CrossingsHero of the StormpikeWharfmaster DizzywigSharing the LandPlainstrider MenaceThe Darkmoon FaireDisrupt the AttacksRaptor ThievesFungal SporesIt's Watching You!Thunderhorn TotemHeeding the CallThe Barrens OasesOvermaster PyronThe Good StuffThe Last ElementVivian LagraveSven's RevengeYou Survived!Encoded FragmentsVoren'thal the SeerThe Hunter's WayA Threat WithinPut Her DownTrial of the Naaru: MercyDark Iron LegacyJammal'an the ProphetIncendius!Capture a MineProving GroundsThe Battle of AlteracFallen Sky Lords


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