May 10, 2007

New Items: Talisman of the Sun King

New Quests: 50 Tickets - Last Year's Mutton

Updated Items: Dormant Wind Kissed BladeBindings of the WindseekerHead of Ramstein the GorgerFlame Mantle of the DawnBanded Buckler ; Dented BucklerRound BucklerKnight's GirdleHawkeye's CordWhirlwind AxeFine Light CrossbowHearthstoneSignet of ExpertiseBasalt NecklaceJinxed Hoodoo KiltBlack LotusSmoked Talbuk VenisonCirclet of the VictorDervish GlovesBattleforge LegguardsMask of PennanceLilac SashMagician StaffShadow HoodMidrealm LeggingsScalemail BeltSage's GlovesVeteran's SkullcapSilver-thread AmiceAdamantine Kite ShieldRage ReaverSoldier's ShieldCured Rugged HideFrostreaver CrownSlick Deviate LeggingsMark of TyrannyBand of the VictorBonelink SabatonsNightslayer BeltPrimal Lore-StaffRuned Copper RodArcane Ringed GreavesBeaststalker's CapSpectral NecklaceReaver's SicklePainweaver BandShield of ThorsenZircon BandMountain SilversageDreamfoilGreater Fire Protection PotionPatched CloakExcelsior BootsLong Redwood BowBlood-etched BladeZum'rah's Vexing CaneFel ArmamentEmblazoned ChestpieceGlyphed BreastplateMastersmith's HammerForest Leather BeltBand of FleshTrader's RingSilver RodBriarwood ReedGreen Iron HelmFist of StoneAncient GreavesGrimscale BeltHero's CapeRing of SaviorsProspector's CuffsLoamflake BracersTundra BootsColdrage DaggerFire Opal CollarKhan's BindingsScout's ShirtCarapace of Tuten'kashWoodseed HoopBoar Champion's BeltRobes of the LichX'caliboarMeditative SashDirewing LegguardsPlated Fist of HakooTidal CharmJungle BootsViolet Signet of the Grand RestorerTusker SwordSmashing StarSenggin RootHeavy Knothide LeatherDire WandPrecision BowHuntsman's BeltCopper Battle AxeDeeprock SaltArcher's TrousersChromite BracersLightwarden's BandRing of Pure SilverGauntlets of The Five ThundersBindings of The Five ThundersKingsbloodEverglow LanternTracker's WristguardsKnight's PauldronsAsh Covered BootsSavage Gladiator ChainSentinel BreastplateArctic BucklerRenegade BootsConjurer's BreechesConjurer's ShoesConjurer's VestGraverot CapeDurable PantsFortified SpauldersSuperior BeltLimb CleaverGreenweave RobeGreenweave LeggingsGreenweave BracersGreenweave SandalsWatcher's CapFrostwolf Plate BeltPagan MantleCabalist ChestpieceCrystalfire StaffEnduring CircletCaptain's CloakShadowrend LongbladeRegal CloakGeneral's Silk CuffsLifestoneWindtalker's WristguardsLifeless StoneSentinel TrousersGlowing Brightwood StaffOutrider's BowLegionnaire's SwordPhalanx CloakPhalanx BreastplateEmberstone StaffDreamer's BeltBristlebark GlovesCharred Razormane WandSergeant's Heavy CapeThe Immovable ObjectBrackwater GirdleRing of the Slain AnchoritePauldrons of Arcane RageSurvivalist's WandJug of BourbonFlask of PortForest Leather MantleKhan's CloakSkin of Dwarven StoutHuntsman's CapFlagon of MeadShredder Operating Manual - Page 10Swiftstrike CudgelCrescent AxeMograine's MightBristlebark BindingsWhiteout StaffHeavy Lamellar GauntletsNightshade CloakSanguine SandalsBound HarnessSegmented BreastplateBurst of KnowledgeGothic Plate SpauldersOrange Mageweave ShirtSaber LeggingsNightwind BeltWar Paint GlovesAsh Tempered LegguardsShredder Operating GlovesSpaulders of ValorGnomish Water Sinking DeviceShadowcraft TunicShadowcraft GlovesDevout BeltMana Igniting CordLambent Scale CloakWarden's Wizard HatScorpashi CapeBrute Cloak of the Ogre-MagiChrome RingScroll of SpiritDokebi CapeBristlebark BlouseAnchorite's RobesVindicator's BrandBlade of the UnyieldingBoots of the MaharishiAgile BootsVice GripsArcane Runed BracersDon Julio's BandWitching BandMok'Nathal Clan RingMarshal's Silk CuffsMasons Fraternity RingHeartblood Prayer BeadsHeart Fire WarhammerTenacious DefenderMystic's CapeGarrote-String NecklaceIronsole ClompersRune ThreadBrown Linen ShirtBig Bad PauldronsPendant of MyzraelKilt of Rolling ThundersAcidic WalkersBracers of FinesseScale Leggings of the SkirmisherLight-Touched BreastplateWoven Ivy NecklaceMedicine StaffSturdy QuarterstaffLuffaDeep Woodlands CloakIce Barbed SpearToughened Leather GlovesFrostwolf Advisor's PendantTraveler's BackpackSimple WoodStylish Red ShirtRoyal Seal of Eldre'ThalasDefault StationeryRobe of the VoidRitual LeggingsHeavy StockWooden StockAboriginal GlovesHillman's ShouldersDark Leather BeltRoasted QuailBlack Swashbuckler's ShirtFormal White ShirtDark Silk ShirtBerylline PadsRuneclothSpidersilk BootsSilk ClothRaptor Hunter TunicFine Leather TunicBlizzard StationeryBloodbone BandDarktide CapeAuchenai StaffInitiate's ShirtRing of RecurrenceBlackhand's BreadthSapphiron's Scale BootsCrystal VialGlyphed BracersAurora CowlCoalFallen Apprentice's RobeJourneyman's BackpackMorning Glory DewWild Hog ShankLibram of WrackingIdol of the WildExpedition RepeaterImpact ShotRegal ProtectorateBladefist's BreadthVengeance of the IllidariHorn RingCannonball RunnerWyrmtongue ShouldersFirestarterTin BarPurified Draenic WaterBand of the VictorDragonrider BootsSilvered Bronze GauntletsCoarse Grinding Stone


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