May 3, 2007

Updated Items: Bug EyeSticky IchorGargoyle Shredder TalonsTaillasher EggGnomish ToolsBundle of FireworksSpringpaw Appetizers ; Suntouched Special ReserveLarge Flat ToothDraenei BannerMutated VineNetherwhelp's CollarSchematic: Green FireworkGraccu's Homemade Meat PieUnstable Mana CrystalMutated PetalThreshadon AmbergrisMagic DustUkor's BurdenFaintly Glowing SkullIntact Makrura EyeZalazane's HeadMinshina's SkullCrawler MucusCracked Ravager CarapaceBroken Ravager FangElder Brown Bear FlankCracked Ravager ClawCracked Ravager FangWailing EssenceHorn of the Timber WolfDiablo StoneTainted Soil SamplePurple Ribboned Wrapping PaperGreen Ribboned Wrapping PaperBlue Ribboned Wrapping PaperSin'dorei ArmamentsResearch NotesBroken AntennaThaelis's HeadCaptain Kelisendra's CargoTorn Moth WingSecure CrateBristleback Quilboar TuskVial of Moth BloodFaintly Glowing CrystalBundle of VialsDry Scorpid EyeRaptor HeadFungal SporesTaming RodTaming RodTaming RodMight of MenethilFlawed Power StoneSlavedriver's CaneMystical HeadwrapHardened Adamantite TubeNightfall WristguardsThug BootsRed Skeletal HorseCrystalforge FaceguardDeathmantle ShoulderpadsDestroyer ShoulderguardsSpitfire GauntletsIcefury WandDestroyer LegguardsBlended Bean BrewCandy CaneGirdle of the DeathdealerHigh Warlord's Satin HoodLeggings of the CorruptorMantle of the CorruptorRobe of the CorruptorHood of the CorruptorGloves of the CorruptorCowl of TirisfalMantle of TirisfalGloves of TirisfalRobes of TirisfalLeggings of TirisfalDestroyer ShoulderbladesSwift Purple HawkstriderSwift Green HawkstriderPurple HawkstriderBlack HawkstriderBlue HawkstriderVoidheart RobeSwift Pink HawkstriderPanda CollarPurple Skeletal WarhorseVestments of the AldorFathomstoneDeathmantle LegguardsCrystalforge LeggingsCrystalforge PauldronsStabilized Eternium ScopeDestroyer GreathelmDestroyer HandguardsDestroyer ChestguardDeathmantle HelmDeathmantle HandguardsDeathmantle ChestguardCrystalforge ShoulderbracesCrystalforge GreavesCrystalforge War-HelmCrystalforge GauntletsCrystalforge BreastplateGreen Skeletal WarhorseCrystalforge GlovesBrown Skeletal HorseDestroyer Battle-HelmDestroyer GauntletsDestroyer GreavesDestroyer BreastplateCrystalforge ChestguardPlans: Dark Iron BootsPlans: NightfallPlans: BlackguardPlans: Ebon HandGirdle of Valorous DeedsBlack Qiraji Resonating CrystalCrystalforge ChestpieceCrystalforge LegguardsCrystalforge HandguardsCrystalforge GreathelmCrystalforge ShoulderguardsFake MistletoeGloves of PenitenceLifeless StoneLava CoreSabatons of MightMerciless BeltBurning PitchWeighted Throwing AxeSmall ShieldThin Cloth ShoesBlackbone WandStringy Vulture MeatRecipe: Westfall StewVerna's Westfall Stew RecipeRusset HatRusty WarhammerHeavy SpearGypsy CloakGypsy SashPellet RifleHeavy QuiverSoldier's CloakPioneer GlovesDisciple's CloakLong BayonetJourneyman's BeltDusk WandBurning WandSmoldering WandSpiked ClubJourneyman's BracersEmbroidered BracersShimmering Silk RobesLoose Chain PantsLoose Chain GlovesChromatic RobeDouble-stitched RobesRed Linen RobeStudded GlovesStudded BracersStudded BeltCuirboulli VestFine Leather GlovesRectangular ShieldCuirboulli GlovesCuirboulli BootsCuirboulli BeltSharpened Letter OpenerChicken EggRawhide BeltMaster's BeltCalico GlovesPatchwork CloakGoretusk SnoutBurnt Leather VestWorn Mail BeltGrimoire of ParanoiaGrimoire of Spell Lock (Rank 2)Grimoire of Spell Lock (Rank 1)Grimoire of Tainted Blood (Rank 3)Grimoire of Tainted Blood (Rank 2)Grimoire of Devour Magic (Rank 4)Grimoire of Devour Magic (Rank 2)Grimoire of SeductionGrimoire of Soothing Kiss (Rank 4)Grimoire of Soothing Kiss (Rank 3)Grimoire of Soothing Kiss (Rank 2)Grimoire of Soothing Kiss (Rank 1)Grimoire of Lash of Pain (Rank 6)Grimoire of Lash of Pain (Rank 2)Grimoire of Suffering (Rank 3)Grimoire of Suffering (Rank 2)Grimoire of Suffering (Rank 1)Grimoire of Consume Shadows (Rank 6)Grimoire of Consume Shadows (Rank 5)Grimoire of Consume Shadows (Rank 4)Grimoire of Consume Shadows (Rank 3)Grimoire of Consume Shadows (Rank 2)Grimoire of Consume Shadows (Rank 1)Grimoire of Sacrifice (Rank 6)Grimoire of Sacrifice (Rank 5)Grimoire of Sacrifice (Rank 3)Grimoire of Sacrifice (Rank 2)Grimoire of Sacrifice (Rank 1)Grimoire of Torment (Rank 6)Grimoire of Torment (Rank 5)Grimoire of Torment (Rank 4)Grimoire of Torment (Rank 2)Grimoire of Lash of Pain (Rank 5)Grimoire of Lash of Pain (Rank 7)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 8)Grimoire of Cleave (Rank 3)Grimoire of Cleave (Rank 2)Cheap BlunderbussGrimoire of Cleave (Rank 1)Grimoire of Intercept (Rank 3)Grimoire of Intercept (Rank 2)Grimoire of Intercept (Rank 1)Grimoire of Demonic FrenzyGrimoire of Anguish (Rank 3)Grimoire of Anguish (Rank 1)Grimoire of Suffering (Rank 6)Old GreatswordGrimoire of Tainted Blood (Rank 1)Grimoire of Lesser InvisibilityGrimoire of Lash of Pain (Rank 4)Grimoire of Lash of Pain (Rank 3)Grimoire of Suffering (Rank 4)Grimoire of Sacrifice (Rank 4)Grimoire of Torment (Rank 3)Grimoire of Tainted Blood (Rank 5)Grimoire of Devour Magic (Rank 6)Grimoire of Devour Magic (Rank 5)Grimoire of Soothing Kiss (Rank 5)Grimoire of Sacrifice (Rank 7)Grimoire of Consume Shadows (Rank 7)Grimoire of Torment (Rank 7)Grimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 6)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 6)Grimoire of AvoidanceGrimoire of Anguish (Rank 2)Gloom WandWooden ShieldLight QuiverPattern: White Wedding DressHopsBear MeatChipped Bear ToothShiny SeashellTough Wolf MeatOkraCooked Crab ClawRecipe: Cooked Crab ClawRusset VestSpiked Chain GauntletsInfantry BeltAugmented Chain HelmFeeble ShortbowSmall ShieldGrimoire of Tainted Blood (Rank 4)Small PumpkinTaut Compound BowRabbit's FootBroken Boar TuskJourneyman's VestRecipe: Goretusk Liver PieSharp Kitchen KnifeSpecial Chicken FeedMagic CandleCombustible WandFurlbrow's Pocket WatchGoretusk Liver PieTorn Murloc FinChipped Boar TuskStormwind Armor Marker


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