May 1, 2007

New month, new guide :)

New Guides: Azuarc's level guide, Act 09: Stranglethorn pt. 2 (37-41), Azuarc's level guide, Act 10: TFH (41-43)

Updated Items: Crystalforge Pauldrons ; Crystalforge Gloves ; Acid Inscribed Greaves ; Design: Sovereign Shadow Draenite ; Pattern: Heavy Scorpid Bracers ; The Cleansed Ashbringer ; Malefic Mask of the Shadows ; Cryptstalker Handguards ; Boots of Elements ; Cryptstalker Headpiece ; Kiss of the Spider ; Cryptstalker Girdle ; Cryptstalker Legguards ; Ternary Mantle ; Elementium Reinforced Bulwark ; Mandokir's Sting ; The Black Book ; Blade of the Unrequited ; Pauldrons of Elements ; Bonescythe Gauntlets ; Cryptstalker Wristguards ; Bonescythe Waistguard ; Bonescythe Sabatons ; Cryptstalker Boots ; Cryptstalker Spaulders ; Gladiator's Pummeler ; Gladiator's Shiv ; Bonescythe Bracers ; Cryptstalker Tunic ; Band of Unnatural Forces ; Gloves of Ebru ; Sadist's Collar ; Bonescythe Helmet ; Bonescythe Breastplate ; Kilt of Elements ; Vest of Elements ; Deathmantle Shoulderpads ; Deathmantle Helm ; Deathmantle Handguards ; Deathmantle Chestguard ; Deathmantle Legguards ; High Warlord's Barricade ; Gloves of the Corruptor ; Leggings of the Corruptor ; Gressil, Dawn of Ruin ; Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal ; Ruuan Weald Wristguards ; High Warlord's Scaled Helm ; Word of Thawing ; Shroud of Dominion ; Kingsfall ; Bonescythe Legplates ; Ring of the Cryptstalker ; Bonescythe Ring ; Soulstring ; Slayer's Crest ; Armored Chitin ; Heavy Silithid Husk ; Yellow Qiraji Resonating Crystal ; Tough Jerky ; Wicked Throwing Dagger ; Deadly Throwing Axe ; Ebonclaw Reaver ; Mageweave Bandage ; Dreadnaught Breastplate ; Chief Brigadier Pauldrons ; Heavy Mageweave Bandage ; Fiery Core ; Steelclaw Reaver ; Wildheart Gloves ; Heavy Silk Bandage ; Flint and Tinder ; Runecloth Bandage ; Large Fang ; Bronze Tube ; Heavy Brown Bag ; Mageweave Cloth ; Simple Wood ; Silver Contact ; Bronze Framework ; Copper Modulator ; Dagger of Veiled Shadows ; Superior Healing Potion ; Raptor Egg ; Vambraces of the Sadist ; Heavy Wool Bandage ; Solid Shot ; Razor Arrow ; Arcanite Bar ; Heavy Shot ; Jagged Arrow ; Accurate Slugs ; Greater Healing Potion ; Belt of Tiny Heads ; Belt of Preserved Heads ; Shiny Polished Stone ; Reinforced Buckler ; Interlaced Gloves ; Heavy Notched Belt ; Embroidered Gloves ; Embroidered Boots ; Embroidered Pants ; Embroidered Armor ; Russet Gloves ; Russet Boots ; Russet Pants ; Jeweled Dagger ; Russet Vest ; Burning Charm ; Mask of the Unforgiven ; Long Elegant Feather ; Cresting Charm ; Vermillion Idol ; Clay Scarab ; Gold Scarab ; Belt of Shriveled Heads ; Lava Core ; Ichor of Undeath ; Councillor's Robes ; Reinforced Leather Boots ; Curved Yellow Bill ; Reinforced Leather Gloves ; Reinforced Leather Bracers ; Reinforced Leather Pants ; Reinforced Leather Vest ; Sentry Buckler ; Reinforced Leather Belt ; Hardened Cloak ; Augmented Chain Leggings ; Southshore Stout ; Emerald Gauntlets ; Studded Bracers ; Studded Boots ; Massive Longbow ; Greater Scarab Coffer Key ; Runic Stone ; Belt of Shrunken Heads ; Skul's Cold Embrace ; Crochet Hat ; Studded Gloves ; Studded Pants ; Studded Belt ; Studded Doublet ; Robe of the Corruptor ; Hood of the Corruptor ; Hillsbrad Town Registry ; Broken Gleaming Throwing Axe ; Shipment of Iron ; Forsaken Stink Bomb Cluster ; Elementium Bar ; Red Skeletal Horse ; Bindings of the Windseeker ; Nightmare Engulfed Object ; Scarlet Cannonball ; Wartorn Plate Scrap ; Naaru Lightmace ; Qiraji Spiked Hilt ; Warglaive of Azzinoth (Left) ; Gurubashi Head Collection ; Imperial Qiraji Regalia ; Vest of Living Lightning ; Bloodmoon Cloak ; Bindings of the Windseeker ; Orcish Orphan Whistle ; Essence of the Firelord ; Desecrated Breastplate ; Broken Keen Throwing Knife ; Marshal's Leather Bracers ; Round Buckler ; Weather Beaten Buckler ; Shoddy Chain Boots ; Shoddy Chain Bracers ; Shoddy Chain Gloves ; Shoddy Chain Pants ; Shoddy Chain Vest ; Shoddy Chain Belt ; Scraggy Leather Vest ; Scraggy Leather Pants ; Scraggy Leather Gloves ; Scraggy Leather Bracers ; Scraggy Leather Boots ; Scraggy Leather Belt ; Unkempt Robe ; Unkempt Pants ; Unkempt Gloves ; Unkempt Belt ; Green Chain Gauntlets ; Green Chain Boots ; Sharp Dagger ; Warder's Shortbow ; Sun Cured Pants ; Sun Cured Gloves ; Sun Cured Bracers ; Sun Cured Boots ; Sun Cured Belt ; Unadorned Chain Vest ; Unadorned Chain Leggings ; Unadorned Chain Gloves ; Unadorned Chain Bracers ; Unadorned Chain Boots ; Unadorned Chain Belt ; Large Shield ; Light Guard ; Stiff Shortbow ; Warder's Boots ; Warder's Pants ; Honey Bread ; Mana Gathering Staff ; Arcane Forged Dirk ; Arcane Forged Mace ; Arcane Forged Axe ; Arcane Forged Shortsword ; Arcane Sliver ; Round Buckler ; Cracked Power Core ; Medium Quiver ; Rusty Mace ; Leg Meat ; Initiate's Boots ; Small Quiver ; Initiate's Pants ; Battleworn Claymore ; Skin of Dwarven Stout ; Jug of Bourbon ; Flask of Port ; Sharp Arrow ; Laminated Recurve Bow ; Large Club ; Broad Axe ; Light Chain Gloves ; Light Chain Bracers ; Light Chain Boots ; Light Chain Leggings ; Light Chain Belt ; Light Chain Armor ; Worn Heater Shield ; Hand Axe ; Short Staff ; Shortsword ; Club ; Bastard Sword ; Brawler's Pants ; Worn Axe ; Sun Cured Vest ; Light Cloth Gloves ; Light Cloth Belt ; Light Cloth Pants ; Light Cloth Shoes ; Umberhowl's Collar ; Light Cloth Armor ; Rusty Sin'dorei Sword ; Light Cloth Bracers ; Magic Dust ; Broken Weighted Throwing Axe ; Broken Balanced Throwing Dagger ; Scorpid-Sting Mantle ; Maiden's Folly Log ; Red Sack of Gems ; Warglaive of Azzinoth (Right) ; Rune of Recall ; Broken Crude Throwing Axe ; Ring of Binding ; Telaari Grapes ; Dilapidated Cloth Pants ; Hematite Link ; Skullflame Shield ; Mana Ruby ; Highlander's Cloth Boots ; Baron's Broadsword ; Mooncloth ; Rune Thread ; Serpentskin Leggings ; Scroll of Intellect V ; Cerise Drape ; Siege Bow ; Aurora Sash ; Gryphon Mail Breastplate ; Bracers of the Stone Princess ; Barbaric Leggings ; Chestnut Mare Bridle ; Tracker's Tunic ; Royal Cape ; Knight's Legguards ; Sorcerer Robe


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