April 5, 2007

New Guides: Un'goro Farming Guide

Updated Items: Experimental Repair ApparatusSupreme CapePodrig's OrderPattern: Brightcloth GlovesProtector BucklerAndormu's TearInterlaced Shadow JerkinRing of ConvalescenceMana Gathering StaffRefreshing Spring WaterNeophyte's Pants ; Sunstrider AxeTainted Arcane SliverArcane Forged DirkShoddy Chain BeltSunstrider MaceSunstrider DaggerSunrise BracersGreen Chain BootsWell Watcher GlovesSun Cured BootsGreen Chain VestSun Cured BracersSunstrider ShieldSunstrider StaffSunstrider SwordStriding PantsUnkempt ShoesWyrm SashRabbit Crate (Snowshoe)Unkempt PantsWarder's ShortbowSunspire CordScraggy Leather BootsUnadorned Chain VestUnadorned Chain LeggingsUnadorned Chain BeltAcolyte's RobeScraggy Leather GlovesScraggy Leather PantsSunstrider BowShoddy Chain BracersUnadorned Chain BracersShoddy Chain BootsVigorous BracersGreen Chain GauntletsLynxskin GlovesSun Cured GlovesShoddy Chain PantsShoddy Chain VestScraggy Leather VestScraggy Leather BracersScraggy Leather BeltUnkempt RobeUnkempt GlovesUnkempt BracersUnkempt BeltLight Cloth ArmorLight Cloth BracersLight Cloth GlovesAcolyte's DaggerSharp DaggerNeophyte's MaceSun Cured VestSun Cured PantsSun Cured BeltLarge ShieldWarder's BootsWarder's PantsNeophyte's RobeHoney BreadLight Silk RobeLight Cloth BeltLight Cloth PantsUnadorned Chain GlovesUnadorned Chain BootsStiff ShortbowArcane Forged MaceArcane Forged AxeArcane Forged ShortswordSolanian's Scrying OrbLight Cloth ShoesLight GuardSunstrider Book SatchelArcane SliverSolanian's JournalScroll of Scourge MagicWeather Beaten BucklerBands of NethekurseWarstrike HelmetNetherwhelp's CollarSpellstrike HoodGrimoire of Firebolt (Rank 8)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 1)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 4)Grimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 6)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 7)Grimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 5)Grimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 2)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 6)Grimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 1)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 5)Grimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 3)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 3)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 2)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 6)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 5)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 3)Grimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 4)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 4)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 2)Grimoire of Phase ShiftDiablo StoneGemshard HeartCurvewood DaggerJouster's ChestplateOpaline MedallionLord's LegguardsRenegade BracersRavagerDeathblowFelcloth PantsBold Yellow ShirtAgamaggan's ClutchGryphon Mail BeltVestments of the Atal'ai ProphetOutrunner's GlovesSanguine CuffsPhantom ArmorSigil-Laced BootsCelestial TunicParrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw)Crocolisk MeatInsignia ChestguardScroll of Protection IICurve-bladed RipperDeathmist WrapsPointy Crocolisk ToothSuperior Healing PotionOverlinked Chain ArmorScroll of Stamina IIScroll of StrengthMana PotionTender Crocolisk MeatBarbaric LoinclothScroll of Spirit IIHeart RingDeathmist SandalsScroll of IntellectPlans: Golden Scale LeggingsFirebeard's HeadPanda CollarZergling LeashSchematic: Goblin Land MineDeathmist RobeSorcerer's CrownVeteran BootsBrigade PauldronsBattle Healer's CloakMantle of DoanPlatinum Shield of the ValorousTiger BandShadowcraft BeltDarkmist PantsBrown Linen PantsAquamarine SignetGold Link BeltSentry's ArmsplintsRecruit's ShirtDervish CapeBrutal War AxeSentinel BracersGrim PauldronsMoonberry JuiceWarden StaffStudded BeltPauldrons of the Crimson FlightKnight's HeadguardBoots of AvoidanceGryphon Mail CrownResplendent GuardianCutthroat's MittsHumbert's HelmRaincaller CapSword of the Night SkyPlagueheart ShoulderpadsLinen BeltSeared Mail GirdleFrozen Shadoweave BootsLord's CapeWhirlwind BracersBronze Mail BracersCloak of the InciterMask of PennanceMana-Sphere ShoulderguardsBristlebark BlouseCloak of ImpulsivenessWarp Engineer's Prismatic ChainHydromancer's HeadwrapChampion's LeggingsMograine's MightTriune AmuletDream-Wing HelmMark of the ChosenMagister's BeltKnight's BreastplateFelheart HornsBrutal GauntletsDervish TunicGirdle of the BlindwatcherDeep Fathom RingBlackforge GirdleFelstalker BracersNesingwary Safari StickEthereal SashApprentice's ShirtChief Brigadier CloakLesser Wizard's RobeNobles BrandVengeance WrapStylish Red ShirtToughened Leather GlovesPlated Fist of HakooEarthpeace BreastplateCrystal Pulse ShieldLost Anchorite's CloakImperial Plate BracersRed Linen RobePrecisely Calibrated BoomstickBattered Leather BeltJet ChainViridian BandNexus-Strider GlovesCenarion Ring of CastingFlamehandler's GlovesRing of Silver MightBlood-Tempered RanseurWicked Leather BracersTanned Leather BeltKaraborian Battle AxeCarapace of Tuten'kashTyrant's GreavesSoothsayer's KiltSkettis BracerWindsong DrapeTalbar MantleRaiments of Divine AuthorityLupine LeggingsBrutish LegguardsFine Cloth ShirtBloodrazorHeaddress of Inner RageArcane PowderSymbol of DivinityTruesilver ChampionScouting TunicNight Watch PantaloonsJade EpauletsHeavy Lamellar BootsFireheart ChestpieceBig-mouth ClamSaltstone GauntletsChimaerascale LegplatesGahz'rilla's Electrified ScaleFelstone MantleFeralfen IdolUnderworld HelmTorn-heart Axe of BattleSinging Crystal AxeStalker's Helmet of Second SightShadowrend LongbladeLantresor's WarbladeLantresor's WarbladeHonor's CallMantle of the Dusk-DwellerSkyfire Hawk-BowValanos' LongbowFrozen Shadoweave ShouldersThe Burning CrusaderMillennium BladeNetherdrake HelmSteelhawk CrossbowVermillion Robes of the Dominant


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