11 Jun 06

Sunday already? We should be playing WoW! Updated Items: Marshal's Silk GlovesBelt of Shrunken HeadsCrystalline Threaded CapeRecipe: Lesser Stoneshield PotionWand of Biting ColdFrayed CloakMantis BootsRoast RaptorBoots of Pure ThoughtEnriched Manna BiscuitMilitia BucklerPatched PantsRibsplitterHourglass SandReinforced Leather GlovesBluegill SandalsDefender BootsWarmonger's LeggingsPioneer BracersCopper Chain BeltIronweave BracersRegal SashEnergy CloakMarauder's BracersBrocade ShoesHypnotic BladeShinsolloTyphoonPraetorian GlovesRiverpaw Mystic StaffHighlander's Lizardhide GirdleSaltstone GauntletsSharpened Letter OpenerLegionnaire's Silk RobesEmerald DragonfangZulian Ceremonial StaffIronhide GreavesShimmering RobePrismscale HauberkHawkeye BowDalson Family Wedding RingImposing VestStriped YellowtailShrapnel BlasterFelstrikerBKP 2700 "Enforcer" Swashbuckler's CapePlans: Blue Glittering AxeThorium ShellsStinging ViperBindings of The Five ThundersPeerless ArmorTarnished Elven RingGoldthornWhite Bandit MaskDuskwoven RobeBone Ring HelmThunderhorn CloakGlyphed BeltDefiler's Chain PauldronsFour of ElementalsThe Eye of ShadowPlatemail BracersPagan VestCharger's CloakRhahk'Zor's HammerVolcanic HammerCorruptionHoundmaster's RifleSlayer's SlippersBattered Leather BeltHunting PantsIndomitable BeltStylish Black ShirtDoomspikeBear FlankButcher's CleaverTarnished Chain BeltLesser Stoneshield PotionHandcrafted Mastersmith LeggingsMystical BootsIvycloth GlovesGreaves of Ten StormsLesser Mystic WandLight Mail GlovesBlackened Leather BeltThe Postmaster's SealBonebiterTemplar CrownThorium Headed ArrowMighty BootsFaith Healer's BootsNightwind BeltWarsong GauntletsForked TongueDark Iron HelmBloodfang GlovesCrimson ShockerRitual SandalsAxe of the Deep WoodsSpellforce RodHunting CloakJudgement BindingsElixir of Water BreathingBlack Duskwood StaffMain GaucheThe NeedlerFirst Sergeant's Mail WristguardsShroud of Unspoken NamesGri'lek's Charm of ValorRusted Chain BracersEnduring GauntletsAmulet of Shadow ShieldingMasterwork BracersNightscape ShouldersLesser Invisibility PotionWanderer's BracersNightstalker BowCat Carrier (Bombay)Brigade GauntletsConjured SourdoughPattern: Robe of the ArchmagePhoenix PantsCeremonial Elven BladeGravestone War AxeFlax BracersMetalworking GlovesPatchwork PantsNative SashAcolyte's Sacrificial RobesDeckhand's ShirtSkullforge ReaverBloodrazorEye of RendWhisperwalk BootsDarksoul LeggingsFrostsaber LeggingsFootpad's ShoesGreen Iron ShouldersThe SilencerLil Timmy's PeashooterAegis of StormwindIronweaverChief Brigadier GauntletsChieftain's BreastplateDusky BootsBlindweedLei of LiliesShadow HoodSilver Hakkari BijouClaw of the ShadowmancerAugmented Chain LeggingsStar RubySmall DaggerSkilled Fighting BladeMedium LeatherRighteous SpauldersGordok Green GrogBlade of NecromancyRecipe: Elixir of Detect Lesser InvisibilityRed Linen BagAbyssal Leather LeggingsTwill ShoulderpadsSeafury GauntletsJungle Ring

Updated Quests: MargozCrossroads ConscriptionLost But Not ForgottenSecuring the LinesHidden EnemiesConscript of the HordeThe Tome of DivinityThe Tome of DivinityThe Tome of DivinityThe Public ServantUnderbelly ScalesAssessing the ThreatThe Everstill BridgeA Baying of GnollsRed Silk BandanasThe Stockade RiotsElmore's TaskThe People's MilitiaThe Killing FieldsTome of DivinityThelsamar Blood SausagesMountaineer Stormpike's TaskWanted: "Hogger"Encroaching GnollsKnowledge in the DeepsDeeprun Rat RoundupMe Brother, NipsyGoretusk Liver PieWestfall StewPatrolling WestfallPoor Old Blanchy

Updated Mobs: Melnan DarkstoneMagistrate SevrenMulgore TriggerScarlet TraineeDeathguard HumbertPlagued HatchlingGurubashi Bat RiderAuctioneer KreskyMarandis' SisterOssirian Crystal TriggerNightbane Dark RunnerGravelsnout Vermin


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