Dave Chappelle Plays WoW Too!

Ever wondered who might be behind that toon you are grouping with? Could it be someone famous or the standard geek? A housewife or a teenage boy? Let me tell you, I wonder all the time. Wonder no more! Dave Chappelle plays WoW and loves the land of Azeroth just as we do. GameSpot released some information after Dave Chappelle did a show in San Francisco this week. Below is a tidbit to tempt you to read the whole write up.
    "You know what I've been playing a lot of?" the comedian reportedly asked the crowd. "World of Warcraft!" When a few cheers broke out, he reportedly responded, "I knew I had some geek brothers and sisters up in here!"
You can read the entire article at this link. Then come back and post your thoughts in this story or on our message boards with a thread dedicated just to Dave. ( I can call you Dave can't I? )


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RE: Feel the love dave
# Jul 01 2005 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Haha, cool :D
Dave Chapelle on WoW and Robin Williams on CS.. Who'll be next? Keanu Reeves on Matrix Online?

Love his show, tho..
********** yo couch, n*gga!"
Feel the love dave
# Jun 30 2005 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
Dave Chapelle has the best comedy style out there. By the time his show is over my stomach is aching from laughing too much. I love how he makes fun of races and cultures and brings out the humour in how we are all different.
One of my favorite sketches is when he plays a blind man who was a leader in the KKK. He didn't even know he was black lol. His girlfriend was white and one day at a meeting the crowd insisted he take off his mask so they could see and finally meet the leader. So needless to say when he took off his hat they all freaked out. (one person's head exploded lol) After that he broke up with his girlfriend because she was a "****** lover" LOL

It's sad to see him depart from the show. I hope he can come back because his show was the best of it's type I've seen in ages. Fresh and hilarious.

Come back Dave!
Am I?
# Jun 30 2005 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
Am I the only one who's never heard of Dave Chappell until the very moment this "DC" article was posted?
RE: Am I?
# Jun 30 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
That should be Dave Chappelle, and he has an extremely funny comedy central show. If you've ever heard someone say "I'm Rick james, *****!" they're quoting Chappelle's Show.
RE: Am I?
# Jun 30 2005 at 11:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Thanks, I didn't even notice I did that...

RE: Am I?
# Jun 30 2005 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
pretty much, yeah
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