September 2nd Update

I want to welcome everyone who is playing the stress test. You're going to love this game. We just added a new feature to help you find things. Click on a mob and you will notice a map of the zone it is found in with marks where it has been spotted. Here's an example. We're still adding loc data, but most of the low level zones are done now. I missed a couple of updates, but rest assured that we have been adding stuff pretty constantly. here's what went in today: New Items: Royal CapeSwamp PendentBloodpetalUn'Goro Gorilla PeltUn'Goro Stomper PeltUn'Goro Thunderer PeltCrate of FoodstuffsDinosaur BoneA Mangled JournalWebbed Dimetrodon ScaleRavasaur Pheromone GlandHive Wall SampleWebbed Pterrordax ScaleResearch EquipmentUnused Scraping VialUn'Goro SoilPiece of Threshadon CarcassBlue Power CrystalGreen Power CrystalRed Power CrystalYellow Power CrystalHydra Headpiece

Updated Items: Seeping GizzardShed Lizard SkinTribal Raptor FeathersPristine Raptor SkullGahz'rilla's Electrified ScaleTroll TemperUncracked Scarab ShellSmotts' ChestTiara of the DeepDivino-matic RodMagister's VestSnapped Spider LimbCracked BillStaff of NoblesBug Eye

New Quests: The Eastern Pylon A Visit to Gregan The Northern Pylon The Western Pylon Muigin and LarionWilliden's JournalAlien EcologyRoll the BonesExpedition Salvation Beware of PterrordaxChasing A-Me 01The Scent of Lar'korwiThe Fare of Lar'korwiThe Apes of Un'Goro Crystals of Power Shizzle's Flyer New Mobs: Cloned OozeBloodpetal PestYoung DimetrodonFrenzied PterrordaxTyrannodonScorching ElementalLiving BlazeGorishi StingerGorishi TunnelerIronhide DevilsaurStegodonPlated StegodonSpiked StegodonThunderstomp StegodonBloodpetal TrapperTar CreeperGlutinous OozeMuiginElder DimetrodonRavasaur HunterVenomhide RavasaurUn'Goro StomperUn'Goro GorillaUn'Goro ThundererTar BeastLarionLiving StormLar'korwi MateAlanna RaveneyeFerocitas the Dream EaterGnarlpine MysticDark SpriteGnarlpine TotemicTimberling TramplerTimberling Mire BeastRageclawUrsal the MaulerDenalanZenn FoulhoofSentinel Arynia CloudsbreakCyndra KindwhisperMalorne BladeleafEnslaved Druid of the TalonMe'lynnAinethilLysheanaInnkeeper SaelienneZarrinLotheriasEladrielDawnwatcher SelgormDawnwatcher ShaedlassEllaerciaGreenpawGithyiss the VileVicious GrellGnarlpine UrsaGnarlpine GardenerGnarlpine WarriorGnarlpine AugurArias'ta BladesingerElanariaCylaniaDarnassian ProtectorShalumonAriyell SkyshadowAlegornDannelorTelonisTaladanOakenscowlFyldanSaenorionUlthirVaeanMythrin'dirPrarie DogAncient of LoreDarnath BladesingerOben RageclawArgent Guard ManadosGnarlpine ShamanGnarlpine PathfinderBloodfeather HarpyBloodfeather RogueBloodfeather SorceressBloodfeather FuryBloodfeather Wind WitchBloodfeather MatriarchTimberlingTimberling Bark RipperLord MelenasFreed Druid of the TalonGaerolas TalvethrenAstaiaElynnaNyomaBlackmoss the FetidGnarlpine DefenderGnarlpine AvengerElder TimberlingMistVorlus Vilehoof

Updated Mobs: Murloc LurkerMurloc ForagerDimetrodonFledgling PterrordaxPterrordaxGorishi WaspGorishi WorkerGorishi ReaverSpraggle FrockShizzleLinkenWilliden MarshalHol'anyee MarshalSpark NilminerPetra GrossenDadangaLand RagerRavasaurRavasaur RunnerBloodpetal LasherBloodpetal FlayerBloodpetal ThresherTorwa PathfinderMuculent OozePrimal OozeJ.D. CollieStone GuardianTar LurkerTar LordKarna RemtravelNadyia ManeweaverSeriadneSentinel Amara NightwalkerSentinel Shayla NightbreezeNarret ShadowgrovePorthanniusYoung Thistle BoarGrellStrigid HunterMelarithShadow SpriteThistle BoarAthridas BearmantleSyral BladeleafDirania SilvershineTallonkai SwiftrootTeldrassil SentinelAncient Protector


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Very nice
# Sep 02 2004 at 5:00 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
Nice feature with the mob location thing.

Very nice.

Smiley: clapSmiley: yippee
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