EverQuest Next Landmark: Developer Diary #3

In a shocking plot twist, Sony Online Entertainment gives us a glimpse at Landmark.

Sony Online Entertainment's third EverQuest Next Landmark Developer Diary discusses the material and tools that players will use with Lead Designer Darrin McPherson. Further in the video we get a glimpse at how some of these materials look in-game as well as a brief run through the castle that Executive Producer Dave Georgeson recently created.

 Here's some take-aways from the video:

  • Start with a copper pick to gather basic resources
  • Upgrade pickaxes to progress through all five tiers of resources
  • There are also sickles, axes and buckets for gathering resources
  • A wide variety of crafted materials were shown, such as stones, snow/ice blocks, sand, several types of wood, blocks of metal and obsidian

What did you think of this developer diary entry? Let us know in the comments below!

Ann "Cyliena" Hosler, Managing Editor

Follow me on Twitter: @Cyliena


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