EverQuest Next Round Table Response #10

This week we hear the results of the public vs private building poll.

The EverQuest Next Round Table polls are still attracting controversy and stimulating debate as the responses hit double figures. This week Omeed Dariani welcomes Terry Michaels back to discuss issues raised about player building privacy in EverQuest Next Landmark.

One major factor in allowing players privacy when building is the Player Studio, a system that allows players to earn real life cash for sales of their work, and as my Grandpappy used to say: Mo' Money Mo' Problems.

The pair go on to contextualize the Round Table Feedback and respond to a few specific pieces of player feedback, topics such as griefing, offline mode and the social interaction built into Landmark.

In summary, due to player feedback, building in private has become a higher priority for the developers of Landmark. It may not be in at launch but we can expect it soon after.

One of my personal favorite aspects of the Round Table process is that the dialogue does not close. In this response Terry and Omeed take the opportunity to add a few more questions to the mix, so be sure to share your thoughts on how Landmark can encourage creativity while protecting an individual's intellectual property.

LockSixTime, host of The Voxel Populi

Follow me @locksixtime


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