Nexus Talk 4: WildStar's Housing

Richie Procopio discusses what to expect with housing in WIldStar

At PAX East, Carbine Studios revealed their first Dev Speak trailer, which gave us a detailed look at WildStar’s housing system. This feature is much more than simply decorating a floating island space home. Player housing is woven into all aspects of the game and rewards players with conveniences like personal training dummies, crafting workbenches, and raid instance portals. Sure you can decorate your abode to your heart’s content, but the fact that your home base adds tangible functionality that will really sell this feature to players. You can grow your own crafting materials in a garden and allow friends to harvest it for your if you go away on vacation!
Seriously, it’s that awesome.

Check out today’s episode of Nexus Talk as I dissect WildStar’s housing feature. Just ignore that whole part at the end where I make a complete fool of myself!

Richie "Bogotter" Procopio


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WildStar housing the awesome
# May 08 2013 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
I'm with you Richie, WildStar's approach to housing is brilliant. Even without all the tangible benefits I'd probably still enjoy it, but when you factor in the various functions that some of the outlying structures fullfill I can already see that I'll be spending huge amounts of time playing around with my plot of land.
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