MvP (MLG vs Proleague) Day One

A round up of all the Starcraft II action from the first day of battle

Series IV Soulkey Z versus Puma T

Game  I

Puma and Soulkey face off on the two player map Ohana in a great back and forth Terran vs Zerg.

The current metagame takes hold of the openings from both players, an aggressive hellion banshee opening from Puma and the Queen Zergling defence from Soulkey.

Puma’s pressure is very well executed and forces lings upon lings from the Zerg, trading in a very cost efficient manner.

However, Puma is unable to take his third base due to a creep spreading overlord and a lack of anti-air in his mech composition making his lead disappear quickly.

Soulkey then throws waves of infestors, roaches, mutalisks and nydas worms all across the map forcing the immobile Terran to defend as planetary forces and production facilities fall.

A positional war of mech versus brood lords ensues as Puma pokes with his vikings and Soulkey looks for the key fungal.

A moments hesitation from Puma gives Soulkey the opening to land the mother of all fungals on forty supply worth of Vikings erasing them from the game and Puma hops for game one. GG.

Game II
Puma and Soulkey debut Metalopolis on the first day of the MLG versus KeSpa Invitational.
Whilst Soulkey is preparing for another Hellion banshee push with a field of spore crawlers, Puma is carving his way with his hellions for a massive hellion marauder push.
Soulkey is caught unprepared and Puma hits the third base with a seemingly unstoppable force, but he neglects killing the drones and makes a beeline for Soulkey Natural.
With a great SimCity, Soulkey is able to bottleneck the marauders next to the destructible debris and his roach count is able to concave for a better engagement.
Drones are pulled and Soulkey manages to salvage the seemingly lost situation with only twelve drone casualties and has already moved towards his spire tech.
Puma then attempts to drop all across the map while gearing up for powerful tank marine timings, but due to Soulkey’s mutalisk transition, all drops are cleaned up with next to no damage.
Each time Puma pushes out with his main army, Soulkey manages to clear his entire army while maintaining his high gas units such as brood lords, infestors and mutalisks.
With Puma on the back foot after his final failed attack at twenty six minutes he has no answer for the massive brood lord counter attack and GGs.


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