The Battle Comes to Theramore...Soon

World of Warcraft's Battle for Theramore Dated for September Release

Blizzard confirms that the Battle for Theramore will not take place for another three weeks as players prepare for today's Patch 5.0.

As covered by the sensational Ashelia over on Wowhead, the Battle for Theramore event will not go live today. Instead we can expect to dive in on September 18.

Of course there is still the matter of the big patch today, which we'll be bringing you more coverage of later.

For now, here's the blue post from Blizzard:

"The Battle of Theramore, the first of many Scenarios coming to World of Warcraft, is a story-changing event that will be available to level-85 characters for one week only -- the week leading up to the launch of Mists of Pandaria on September 25.

For the duration of the week of September 18-24, level-85 characters will be able to queue up for and participate in the Alliance and Horde versions of this new Scenario with two friends. (Please note: if friends are not available to you at the time, two will be provided. Batteries not included. Subject to change. Void where prohibited.)

After the lifting of the mists, the Battle of Theramore will join all other Scenarios as level-90-only content, and everyone -- including players who missed it at level 85 -- will be able to play through the event. Upon completing the Scenario for the first time, players will see the aftermath of the battle whenever visiting Theramore in Dustwallow Marsh. Theramore will eventually be changed permanently to its post-battle state in a future patch, sometime after the launch of Mists of Pandaria, whether or not players have completed the Scenario.


We’ll see you there!"

                                                                       Scott "Jarimor" Hawkes, Editor in Chief


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