Normal Icecrown Limited Attempts Removed

Lead Encounter Designer Daelo has announced that Blizzard has decided to remove the limited attempts in normal mode against Professor Putricide, Blood-Queen Lana'thel, Sindragosa, and the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel. However, the limited attempts will remain in place in heroic mode.

Daelo posted a short Q&A following the announcement, which you can read after the jump. The bosses currently won't respawn in normal mode if you run out of attempts on heroic, so leave an attempt left if you want to kill them in normal mode.

ZAM user Anobix has started a thread on this topic in our WoW general forum, so head over there if you'd like to join the discussion.

Q: If you extend your raid lockout this week, will you still lose attempts on Normal after the hotfix?
A: No.

Q: If you run completely out of attempts on Heroic, will the wing bosses and Lich King no longer respawn, even if the difficulty is switched to Normal?
A: YES. So leave an attempt left if you wish to kill them on Normal. I'll try and correct this in a future update.

Q: Why is the counter still visible in Normal?
A: The hotfix being applied just stops the counter decrementing, and nothing more.

Q: If you extend your raid lockout after a week where you have lost all your attempts, do you get new attempts at the Lich King + wing bosses after the extension?
A: NO. Extension of the raid lockout will just extend that you lost all your attempts and the Lich King + Wing Bosses will not be spawned. Start a new raid this week!


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# Feb 09 2010 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
What's to stop your guild from attempts on the test server?
# Feb 10 2010 at 12:51 AM Rating: Good
the test server has to be up...
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