Mosaic Reaches 65%; Bornakk Addresses Delay

Blizzard has unveiled the 13th tile of the World of Warcraft Battlecry Mosaic, which in turn unlocked a black and white piece of art featuring a dwarven scout. The Mosaic launched in November 2009 but is only 65% complete, with 6,901 photos still needed to reach the 20,000 goal. Bornakk just addressed the delay on the official forums:

"It mainly slowed down when other bits of news (like patch 3.3) made it difficult to find the site. We have seen quite an increase in traffic lately and are making great progress on it. It will be complete... soon... Oh, and have you sent in a picture yet?"

When do you think the Mosaic will be complete? And to steal Bornakk's question, have you sent in a picture yet?


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