Frozen Halls Bosstiary Page Added to Official Site

If you plan on taking a stab at the 5-player Frozen Halls dungeon when patch 3.3 launches, you may want to check out the new Icecrown Dungeon Bosstiary page that Blizzard has added to the game's official site. The Bosstiary contains maps and boss information for all three wings: the Forge of Souls, the Pit of Saron and the Halls of Reflection.

The Bosstiary doesn't include loot tables or tactics, but it does provide some lore on each of the bosses. You can also follow along with Fony as he explores these dungeons in his weekly BFF Report. He already hit the Forge of Souls and the Pit of Saron in the first two episodes of his 3.3 series, and he'll tackle the Halls of Reflection in this week's episode.


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