Two Days Added to Brewfest, Will Now End Oct. 5

According to Bornakk, Brewfest has been extended for two days and will now end on Oct. 5 at 11:59 p.m. Bornakk said the extension has been implemented "to give everyone enough time to truly experience this event" and due to some "fine tuning on the part of the event organizers."

Nethaera stated later in the thread that the extention is just for this year, so don't expect every Brewfest to be two days longer. Enjoy the additional days of entertainment!


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# Sep 30 2009 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
********** for that.

I keep picking up the keg run quest, and accidentaly popping a spell or the likes, causing me to bugger up the quest for at least another 18 hours.
And only need another 150 tickets, in what was once 3 days from now, to get my title..

Ta Blizz.
# Sep 30 2009 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
This makes up for last Tuesday when the game was 99% unplayable, and the following Wednesday when it was still pretty unstable for many realms.
# Sep 30 2009 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,882 posts
Guess I was one of those realms unaffected. Last Tuesday we were up and going around 9:30 PT and it worked just fine.
# Oct 01 2009 at 5:58 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts
Sorry, I meant last week Tuesday - the day they added the new Onyxia run.

Dalaran was a mess. 5-10 second lag spikes when you tried to interract with anything, the daily jousting was completely broken (the NPC would walk away to start, turn around and disappear), the world server was crashing every 30 or so minutes, in PvP or an instance you would get killed and hit release and not release for 30-60 seconds, etc.
two more days?
# Sep 30 2009 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
two more days? yuck. I was sick of it a week ago...
# Sep 30 2009 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
"to give everyone enough time to truly experience this event

2 weeks wasn't enough to experience it?
I've done all there is to do. I log on now to just kill BrewBoss in the hopes to actually get a mount. So i guess the extra 2 days means 2 more days at an attempt (finally, today I saw my 1st mount drop).
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 30 2009 at 10:31 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) more giving to the people who whine and cant do something.....i got my 350 tickets and all even missing days due to my mom having cancer so sorry people if you can not get your title in 2 weeks then you shouldnt have days extended to get the son of a beech plain and simple
# Oct 01 2009 at 6:07 AM Rating: Good
Wickedvampir wrote:
more giving to the people who whine and cant do something.....i got my 350 tickets and all even missing days due to my mom having cancer so sorry people if you can not get your title in 2 weeks then you shouldnt have days extended to get the son of a beech plain and simple

Gj on getting the most stuck-up post of the year.

Not everybody is in a position to play as much as you, even if you didn't play as much as you usually do recently. We in the EU had quests removed and what not, hindering how many tickets we could get. Combined with multiple downtime situations, including our battlegroup only just going down for instance maintenance, and the fact that the Keg-Run quest was un-repeatable for 18 hours if you popped an ability whilst on your ram, it made achieving them 350 tickets ( is it? ) to get what's needed for the title frustrating to get.

The extension of the holiday isn't going to hinder your raid progression, nor your Arena team, so whine more.
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