Hotfixes Include HoT, Hot Streak Changes

Crygil has posted a handful of recent in-game fixes that were applied over two different days. They include fixes to the Isle of Conquest battleground, Alchemist transmutes in raids, and Prayer of Mending for priests. You can read the list of fixes after the jump.

There's also two noteworthy hotfixes that were discussed in detail in other threads. Heal over time spells now trigger HoT-related effects, even when the target has full health. Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street talked about this change in a thread about Val'anyr: "This means that effects that were able to proc from HoT ticks that did some healing can now also proc from HoT ticks that overheal completely. The most notable such effect is that Val'anyr's absorb shield should now work as advertised."

Also, Crygil made a long post about changes to Hot Streak for mages. Here's the final result: "Hot Streak triggers exactly as stated in its tooltip: '2 non-periodic spell criticals in a row using Fireball, Fire Blast, Scorch, Living Bomb, or Frostfire Bolt.' Only non-periodic damage interacts with it, and only those spells listed. Periodics do not affect the streak in any way. Direct damage from the listed spells always count, for or against the streak."


  • Prayer of Mending will now trigger Divine Aegis on the healed target and not the priest who cast Prayer of Mending.

  • Players on vehicles, when the Isle of Conquest battleground ends, will now properly receive the appropriate number of Isle of Conquest Marks of Honor.

  • General Vezax will now cast Shadow Crash slightly less frequently. He will also refrain from casting Searing Flames multiple times in succession.

  • Hand of Reckoning is no longer able to be used on targets that are immune to taunt, including players.


  • Alchemist transmutes, while in raids, will now count towards quest completion.

  • Steam-Powered Auctioneers are no longer attackable.

  • The Generals in Isle of Conquest now do less damage.

  • Druid, Priest and Shaman heal over time spells now appropriately trigger heal over time related effects, even when the target has full health.

  • Mage Hot Streak Update:


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