Ghostcrawler Answers Shadow Priest Questions

Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street has answered numerous questions submitted by a player on the official forums regarding Shadow Priests. For example, he said the team would like to boost the Vampiric Touch penalty in patch 3.2. "We think the whole dispel protection game needs to be overhauled. Buffs should be valued for their buffs, not for whether or not they can protect other buffs. We need to change this whole system to something more sane," he said.

Ghostcrawler also said they might consider adding more special effects to Shadow Priest DoT spells and discussed why there won't be a new 51-point talent added. "We want the 51-pointers to be very attractive, but not necessarily the most powerful talent in the tree," he said.

You can read the full Q&A below.

Alright. Shadow priests feel ignored. I get it. Hopefully answering this won't get used against us the way some shadow priests were using the fact that I answered some mage questions.

I'm also suspicious that mere answers will not be sufficient unless they include "so we will buff you," but we'll see. :)

Q u o t e:
Question 1: What does blizzard see as shadow priest roll in pvp or pve situations?

PVE: I dont pve much but from my understanding there are aoe monsters is this the niche you intended them to fill in pve? I once saw a blue saying that they didn't want anyone filling that niche!

You're a dps class that focuses on dots and "stealing energy" from opponents. I'll write a prettier version for the official Q&A. Shadow priests can do single target damage and now in LK can do AE damage as well.


Q u o t e:
PVP: As you all may know Priest are the only class with TWO healing trees. Did you want our dps tree to also have a strong healing component through Vampric Embrace? I often hear shadow priest refered to as the Pre-BC caster tank, are there any intentions of turning shadows priest back into this role anytime soon?

Yes on the VE part. "Caster tank" as a role is a little risky. It basically means that melee have to close the gap to finally do damage to you, yet once they do... they still have trouble hurting you. I know that makes you want to say "But melee are crushing us right now!" That might be a problem, but doesn't mean the right answer is to have non-fragile casters. You are probably tougher than mages, and still have decent escape mechanisms with Dispersion and fears.


Q u o t e:
Question 2: Was mind flay always intended to be our "filler," damage spell instead of a nuke or was it ment to be a mainly pvp spell? If it wasn't are you intending to give us a nuke? I ask because to my understanding shadow priest scale very poorly with haste which brings me to my next question.

We don't really design every caster around nukes. That's kind of a mage deal where they emphasize one main spell. We want the other casters to feel differently, to have rotations. Mind Flay is part of that.


Q u o t e:
Question 3: Does blizzard intend to make haste effect dots? As you all may know this would help with some scaling issues and I don't see why they couldn't do this, they already did it with crits!

It's something we're talking about. Haste is a problematic stat for a number of reasons. It isn't always good for example if you don't have enough room in your rotation to fit another spell. It isn't good if you're GCD capped. Now, it's okay -- in fact preferable -- that stats aren't equal for everyone. We like that not all casters would look at say a ring with haste, crit and spirit the same way.


Q u o t e:
Question 4: Does blizzard think that dispel protection is a problem for dot heavy casters? If you do what are you planning to do to fix this? If you don't why not? I understand that vampiric touch has a penalty for being removed but I just don't feel like it is strong enough or even compares to it's much stronger version unstable affliction.

We think the whole dispel protection game needs to be overhauled. Buffs should be valued for their buffs, not for whether or not they can protect other buffs. We need to change this whole system to something more sane. Whether or not you have a dispel, and whether or not your target is vulnerable to it has just become way too important. You are right that the VT penalty is so low as to be silly, and that's something we would like to boost for 3.2.


Q u o t e:
Question 5: Alot of players feel as though replenishment should belong solely to shadow priest, we understand that you would like to "bring the player not the class," but honestly could you say that having a unique class/spec ability is such a bad thing?

Yes, it's a bad thing. It's good if you're a shadow priest wanting a raid slot. It's bad if you're the druid or warrior who can't come because the raid leader feels like they must bring the shadow priest in order to raid. We want the challenge to be the encounters, not the logistics of building the group.


Q u o t e:
Question 6: It takes shadow priest significantly longer to set up our damage than other classes. Would it be in your intentions to add an initial damage component to vampiric touch and make it instant cast to help alleviate some of the wait-time for damage?

I think there is something to the set-up-your-damage issue, but at the same time, dots also have a lot of benefits over direct damage spells. We would not want any spell that Shadow priests felt like they could just cast instead of doing their rotation, and if the instant-damage spell was weaker than the rotation, it would likely see only situational use (though maybe that's a fine niche).


Q u o t e:
Questions 7:Are you planning on implementing a snare/root for shadow priest? Shadow Priest is currently the only caster that has no snare/root abilities. These types of abilities are essential when we are not able to tank damage and wear cloth.

We don't want to give every mechanic to every class if we can help it. Just above you asked if it was a bad thing to have some unique mechanics. Saying no isn't the same as saying everyone can have some mechanics. We intend for the Shadow CC to be things like Psychic Horror and Silence, and to a much lesser extent, Mind Control.


Q u o t e:
Question 8: Shadow priest are always triggering our global cooldown but have no way to make it shorter. Are you planning to implement maybe a talent to reduce our global cooldown?

We wouldn't do it through a talent, but we might let haste do it. Remember, the global is there for a reason. Having too many abilities short-circuit it will ultimately have consequences.


Q u o t e:
Question 9: : As you may know shadow priest have a fair amount of mobility issues, are you planning on adding a short immunity to snares after fade is used? ( Improved Fade ofcourse.)

No. We would be more likely to nerf snares. We don't want to have an arms race of snares, then snare immunity, then the snare that can't be made immune, and so on.


Q u o t e:
Question 10: Are you planning to add Body and Soul to the shadow tree?



Q u o t e:
Question 11: The fear/blind DR has severely destroyed a lot of synergy shadowpriest and rogues shared, are you planning to revert this change next season?

No. The game needs more DR on crowd control, not less. Using your crowd control at the right time is awesome. Chaining different forms of CC together to keep an enemy from ever being able to move is a lot less fun.


Q u o t e:
Question 12: Dispersion a lot of people feel the abilities strength does not merit it as a 51 point talent, are there any plans to move this to a lower tier in the shadow tree? Will there be any plans to remove the silence effect it applies in the future?

We don't want to remove the silence for the reason we've never wanted to remove it -- we want Dispersion as an escape mechanism, not an offensive cooldown. We might lower Dispersion's cooldown though. We want it to do it's job, not get marginalized in the tree.


Q u o t e:
Question 13: Was the disarm on Psychic horror intended to occur after the "horror," or during? Is there any intention of removing the travel time on Psychic Horror, If not will you add an animation?

What do you mean by animation? To the projectile or the target? The disarm was intended to occur during the horror.

Q u o t e:
Question 14: Psychic Scream is a very powerful spell for getting attackers off of you, but there are various ways to counter it. Would it be reasonable to add a penalty for removing this spell early, maybe a 2 second stun or a snare.

We do the dot / hot penalties because its a weakness of dots. We're not crazy about going down the road of making all CC have a kiss / curse element with its removal.


Q u o t e:
Question 15: Most damage over time spells just tick with no special effect with an exception to a few.
In order to help us damage better could we get more "effects" on our damage over time spells such as ticking hard initially and damage slowly wearing off.

This might be something we'd consider. I understand the concern.


Q u o t e:
Question 16: From my understanding there is a cooldown on Devouring Plague to keep us from putting it on multiple targets. Couldn't you just make Devouring Plague only usable on 1 target at a time and remove the cooldown?

Yes. I'm not sure many players would consider that a buff though.


Q u o t e:
Question 17: Mind Control although this is a fun spell it isn't very useful in pvp situations because it leaves your character immobile for however long and randomly breaks. Could mind control make the controlled target your pet but movable by using the same mechanic used to place a death and decay?

We might do something like that for pets in general. Mind Control however is a really powerful ability. Not only does it prevent the target from doing anything, it also lets you use their abilities against their allies. It's going to be hard for us to remove too many downsides from the effect.


Q u o t e:
Question 18: Are you planning on giving spriest a new 51 point talent?

No. We want the 51-pointers to be very attractive, but not necessarily the most powerful talent in the tree. A great number, if not a majority, of Shadow priests have Dispersion so it's hard to argue it isn't attractive. I understand some players want the 51 to be a big damage spell for damage-dealing specs, but that just isn't always what we think the tree needs. I'm not saying we are going to take the talent trees to 61 or 71 points soon, but if we did, just think of the expectation. Does the 71 pointer need to blow all of the previous talents out of the water? Do deeper talents need to become more powerful at the same time the character gets more of them? That leads to a lot of power inflation. We think talents probably account for too much of a character's power already.


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Stop Complaining.
# Jul 06 2009 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
People like you tick me off pretty bad. The entire thing was just a guy asking for more powerful abilities or brand new ones. SPriests aren't the worst class you can play so stop crying over what you don't have and look at what you do have.
Whimsical reply
# Jul 02 2009 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
So, in essence, we were just told that Shadow Priest is going to be ignored till which point there is a massive dying off of people who actually play as them... That we should be content with the fact that we are allowed to exist at all and should not complain one bit that we bring nothing spectacular to the table in any of the arenas we are to perform in. That we should enjoy all our problems, our strife, our failings... for they enrich and strengthen our resolve and spirit to strive and succeed against all the odds. After all, we have grown fat from the ease of playing other classes and need to have shadow priest be tough and full of problems and be slightly unattractive. It will make us feel better when we shadow priests are huddled outside lighting up in the cold, looking at others with abject disdain and hatred to actually be vindicated in our anger. Perhaps that is the goal.

Maybe in in their perverse mindset, this works... maybe in the ivory towers they live in, they don't understand or are unwilling to understand till the last shadow priest is smashed out of existence under the heel of other classes.

Forgive the slight whimsical tone to this reply but it felt better than to just cry openly.

I was kinda hoping to hear that they would have made at least one positive statement of actually wanting to improve the class and its spec instead of walking a non-committal line that stated next to nothing compared to any of the previous class specific posts. Just waffling about stating that they did not care about or really even see the need to improve... much more willing to fiddle with every other class with massive swings in any direction while leaving shadow priest to be ignored...

So if you will excuse me, I'll be outside, in the dark and cold, lighting up and staring at the developers with scorn and disapproval while continuing to play a priest in both non-discipline incarnations, for I know no alternative.
I don't play a spriest
# Jul 02 2009 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
I don't even play a Spriest but facepalmed reading this. Is it just me or is Blizzard's default answer now to tell their customers they are wrong, shutup, and just do as they say? Because out of all of these responses from Ghostcrawler we constantly hear about what "they feel" they want to do with the class but don't actually listen to anyone who actually plays it.

I understand the concept that is their game...but the fact we play it should have a bearing on their decisions. Nerf after nerf after nerf seems to center around some abstract idea some Blizzard designer wants to throw in just for giggles. "We don't like this. We don't like that." While the majority of the intelligent player base replies "Leave us alone." And vice versa "We like this, we like that." and the player base replies "this is stupid". To which they tell us to more or less shove it.

I'm getting sick of it. This was a piece of crap Q&A that did really absolutely nothing besides bury any hope Spriests have of getting any substantial fix.
I don't play a spriest
# Jul 02 2009 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
This is why I'm so angry all the time when it comes to responses in threads. Nerf, nerf, nerf. Never "fix the underpowered," instead the battle cry is "nerf the good stuff so that it sucks just as much."

The biggest problem (and usually the source of my anger) is that unless people actually play the class in question (current whipping boy - Death Knights) or use the profession in question (current whipping boy - Jewelcrafting) they celebrate the nerf, while at the same time begging for their current infatuation to be the next one powered up - forgetting that this means they will probably get nerfed to worse than they were pre-boost.

Engineering just got a great list of upgrades. Already we're going over the list and picking out what will get removed and what will get nerfed.
sad face
# Jul 02 2009 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
GC wrote:

We want the 51-pointers to be very attractive, but not necessarily the most powerful talent in the tree.

51 talents wrote:

Arcane Barrage
Deep Freeze
Divine Storm
Killing Spree
Shadow Dance
Riptide (It may not be strong, but it is essential. Hardly considered "situational")
CHAOS BOLT (I'll trade dispersion for something that can crit for 10k)
Titan's Grip

Pretty much..this was posted on the O-forums but I know a lot of people don't sift though the junk

I'm very displeased with almost everything GC said about spriest. The only minor thing he said was maybe hast will effect dot speed..

Working as intended?
# Jul 02 2009 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
We think talents probably account for too much of a character's power already.

That's the only part of the post that gives me some hope. Confirms the idea that they're changing talents to be "specializations" rather than "must-have stat increases". In all other parts GC seems to be saying that Spriests are more or less 'working as intended', which they don't. Take this for example;

A great number, if not a majority, of Shadow priests have Dispersion so it's hard to argue it isn't attractive.

Such a statement leaves me to say "No **** sherlock, that's because spriests will suck even more without it". The reason it's attractive is because in PvP a Spriest is completely going to get 2-shot without it and in PvE because it's a free potion for just 1 talent point. Not because it's actually a good talent. It's basically a sucky version of a mage's Ice block, which is a baseline ability to begin with.
Working as intended?
# Jul 02 2009 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
679 posts
The question about haste made me laugh a little. The fact that he (possibly purposefully) misinterpreted the question so as to make it about global cooldowns is kind of sad, the question was clear enough. If he really meant to say that not all stats should be so valuable for all classes then they can go right ahead and take all the haste out of the freaking shadow tier sets thank you kindly.
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