Fan-Made Twitter Feeds Offer WoW Realm Status

Twitter user John West (Twitter ID jwest23) is spearheading a community effort to provide a series of Twitter "feedbots" that allow WoW users to receive near-realtime updates of their US and EU server status. The project is still under construction, meaning that not all US and EU realms have their own individual feeds yet (for example, this feed for US-Doomhammer or this feed for EU-Ravenholdt). However, more US and EU realms are being added on a regular basis (you can request individual realms to be added via the author's Twitter page).

The "region-wide" feeds for US and EU servers are complete, which provide a quick snapshot of how many realms are online for each region, listed as a percentage. Check out the "wowrsusall" and the "wowrseuall" feeds for more details (read: WoW-RealmStatus-US-All). Being a fan-created collection of Twitter feedbots, you can never be too certain of the "here today, gone tomorrow" factor, let alone the continued quality control of such a project. But for now, it's proving to be a quick and convenient way for Twitter users to find out their current realm status (or region statistics) on-the-go.


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but i need to know
# Jun 16 2009 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
276 posts
Must know if server is up while I'm at work!
# Jun 16 2009 at 7:57 AM Rating: Good
Maybe I am being old fashion here - but what would be the purpose of this. There are quick in-game ways to see if servers are active plus the community site at Realm Status forum or site listings. And On The GO !? If you are not currently trying to log into a game server - what possible reason would you have to even care if they are up or not ?? Sounds like another time sink Thang to keep those who are addicted to twitter amused.
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