EU Post Says Arena Tourney Phase 3 Ends April 7

Blizzard poster Ancilorn has announced on the European World of Warcraft forums that the third phase of the 2009 Arena Tournament will end April 7 at 21.00 CEST, so all participants should make sure to fit in their 200 rated 3v3 games to qualify for prizes.

After being shut down for a week, the tournament will then pick up again on April 15 to begin the fourth phase, which is the invitational ladder. Good luck to everyone in the tournament!

Edit: Just to clarify, phase 3 ends for U.S. players at 9 p.m. PDT on April 6.


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EU vs US
# Apr 03 2009 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
So I'm assuming this is
accurate for EU servers...and that the US server still ends on the 6th?
EU vs US
# Apr 03 2009 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
A Blue poster in the US forums Here clarifies that US tourney hopefuls have until 9PM PDT on 4-6-09 to complete their qualifying matches. Sorry to bog up the EU news with useless info :P
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