Review: Razer Naga Hex

I’ve been itching to try out the Razer Naga Hex for some time. With six mechanical buttons on the side, Razer claimed it was ideally suited for MOBAs and Action RPGs. But I had a sneaking suspicion it would also be fantastic in more recent MMOs such as Guild Wars 2, where the game’s limited action set would lend itself to the reduced number of buttons.

I shouldn’t be surprised, but the Naga Hex worked flawlessly with every game I threw at it. MOBAs, limited-action MMOs, shooters and RPGs were all ably assisted by those larger, more responsive and more tactile buttons. Available in Razer Green, Wraith Red (reviewed), and now a League of Legends Collector’s Edition, there’s a version to suit most desktops.

Review: Razer Naga (2012 Edition)

I remember when the Razer Naga first came out. After playing World of Warcraft for several years, it felt like someone had actually built the mouse that I wanted. Finally, all of those spells and abilities would be under my full control. My days of being an icon clicker were finally over.

Since then, the Naga Molten has been my constant companion. We’ve fought through countless battles together on a dozen different worlds. With Razer updating the Naga by introducing a 2012 edition, I was eager to find out what boons this newcomer would bring. While the newer model does have a number of subtle differences, there are significant similarities with the older versions.