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How does PvP feel to you after the patch?Follow

#1 Oct 13 2010 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
1,912 posts
I couldn't play much, just grabbed the warrior to give a try at Fury just because I had a pair of tankard of terror available for dual wield.

I noticed PvP and PvE chars seem to have the same HP now.

It seems resil doesn't give enough of a benefit considering the amount of HP as compared to the damage people do. What I mean is, when the guns do 10 damage, there is no difference between having 15 hp and 20 hp because both ways you still go down in 2 shots.

PvE chars have always been glass cannons in PvP, but it seems now PvP chars are too. I crit someone for 4k with a 1-hander and his HP goes down 18K.

At the moment I can't tell if Fury 1-handers is going to be good or bad for PvP because at the moment it's just terrible. Ranged classes can dish out a lot of damage before you get in range for an intercept, and whenever you attack someone you're taking massive damage from other people that are attacking you from oustide the range of intercept, while you're snared, stunned, or rooted to boot.

I find that the PvP environment lacks durability and has excess DPS. Which Fury doesn't help at, at all. At the current situation I'd discard both Fury and Arms warriors from PvP, if Prot is viable, then Prot will be the PvP spec (at BGs at least), if not, then warriors are PvE-only chars until fixed. Do note this is a FIRST IMPRESSION, not a final veredict or QQ.

I'll give a try to other chars later. But I'm taking this as hint that the dominating powers in BGs are:
- Superlongrange damage.
- Death Grip. Because it pulls enemies closer to you so that it is them who are gibbed by the superlongrange damage from your teammates.
- Stealth.
#2 Oct 13 2010 at 10:45 PM Rating: Good
2,346 posts
From everything I was reading on the o-boards it sounds like pretty much all casters are beasts and that their pvp damage is insanely high. From the news post by Togi they have finally recognized that DoT's are insanely over powered right now and if you are caught trying to solo a s. priest or a lock all they have to do is throw a couple dots and hold on while you dwindle down in a few seconds.

It appears melee damage besides rogues has been pretty terrible too. It seems like hunters must be right about where they want them to do, no one has really complained about their damage or anything.

I haven't been able to play yet but I would assume pvp is packed right now with casters and probably isn't much fun for melee.
#3 Oct 13 2010 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts

I just tried prot Warrior in PvP, if you have a warrior char and want to PvP with it, go with Prot or don't go at all.

Prot is fine. Not much stronger or much weaker than before, it's just it plays much like before, while the other specs are just melee range glass cannons, and melee range glass cannons get pwnt before they can get in range of anyone.

Here's the spec I put together for L80 Prot PvP. I don't claim it's the best, it just worked.

Thanks for the tip about DoTs. I got both a Priest and a Warlock. I'll go abuse the imbalance until it's fixed. HA HA HA HA!.

On Paladins, after the ones I fought against in BGs, I already know they made them fragile as hell, except for Holy. If melee are glass cannons, paladins are just glass. I'm not even going to bother trying that class right now, except maybe Holy.

Comments from people are:
- Warriors and Paladins are screwed. (I differ about Prot warriors).
- Mages are OP.

Edited, Oct 14th 2010 2:04am by xorq
#4 Oct 14 2010 at 4:27 AM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
This will sound like a rant post but it isn't really, i fully understand that the first day of such a major patch always introduces balance issues. I'm sure this will be much more fun to play at 85, these are merely my impressions of trying to pvp at present.

The fact is, BGs in general are almost unplayable due to the balance issues. A few notable things stand out. Most offensive ranged abilities are now 40 yards baseline which i can't quite wrap my head around; it is such an unnecessary change. A good ranged class was already enjoying a strong advantage in open-field pvp (WSG, EotS, world pvp). Right now they are simply untouchable. A MM hunter can open with talented chimera shot to daze you and you will simply never enter range to charge, death grip or long arm of the law (more on this sh*te ability later). Damage on many abilities has gone up a bit, but some are simply ludicrous. Arcane blast can and does hit for 20k+ on my 1033 resilience feral druid.

My main spec, Ret paladins, have been gutted in almost every aspect and trying to play one in BGs is embarassing. Defensive abilities: Divine protection, from 50% reduction to 20%. Divine Shield, from 12 sec duration to 8. Hand of protection for 10 sec duration to 8. Dispel resist is gone so hand of freedom can be summarily removed. Flash of light is a good fast heal now, but will oom you very very fast.

Mana regen, gutted. Divine plea now returns 10% mana, down from 50% but the halved healing on all your abilities still applies! If you go oom and use it to regen, word of glory even 3 stacked hits for about 3k. Speaking of word of glory, bind it somewhere accessible because it is now your standard finisher. Ret pvp consists of desperately finding something, anything in range to crusader strike and build up 3 holy power and spamming word of glory and flash of light to stay alive. Templar's Verdict hits very hard but it's impossible to stay on a ranged long enough to build the required HP and then use it. Exorcism is very nice though, when Art of War procs it can crit for close to 10k. The gap closer that increases speed slightly when you judge a target more than 15 yards away (30 yard max range) is next to useless. Being snared in any way (for example, judging a mage with ice armor makes you go slower) foils it. It only lasts 4 seconds anyway and has a huge deadzone.

On a positive note, other melee are really fun to fight against. Rogues and warriors feel pretty balanced, i killed and was killed by them to a fairly even ratio where i would have dominated before the patch. The ret still has the advantage to some extent because of nerfed mortal strike. DKs seem very variable. Unholy doesnt seem very bursty, frost has something, probably Obliterate, that murders things.

Feral is pretty powerful and i can see nerfs happening. Skull Bash + regular Bash and insant cyclones are just too many interrupts. Ferocious bite still hits very hard, but bleeds in particular are much much more powerful and bleed tanking in 1v1 situations is too powerful. Resto are unkillable, because nature's ward has no ICD and it procs the instant heal from gift of the earthmother. Every attack against them under 50% procs the heal.

Edited, Oct 14th 2010 6:29am by ArtemisEnteri
#5 Oct 14 2010 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
Yep, Paladins are screwed big time. Just leave it until they are fixed and abuse the OP features from ferals, after all, when you get into the BG you're just going to be up against people abusing whatever OP class they play.

I think Long Arm of the Law will end up not being useful for it's intended purpose and being used for something that wasn't it's purpose.

You could also try Prot. Try to see if you can max survivability enough so that you can reach your targets alive. You get a shield that silences and dazes, there's a hope. You're probably going to have to use the bubble as a replacement to Hand of Freedom, the cooldown is long but I can't think of a better way to use the bubble anyway.

Defensive abilities: Divine protection, from 50% reduction to 20%. Divine Shield, from 12 sec duration to 8. Hand of protection for 10 sec duration to 8. Dispel resist is gone so hand of freedom can be summarily removed. Flash of light is a good fast heal now, but will oom you very very fast.

Divine Protection can be glyphed into something that resembles the DKs imba bubble. It's not nearly as powerful as the DK's bubble because it doesn't make you immune to debuffs, but it's more useful than 20% reduction. If you go with prot you don't need 20% reduction against physical damage anyway.

Ghostcrawler wrote:
Rather than try and address multiple threads, I'm just going to plop our current thoughts in this one post. Please excuse the brevity.

1) We think Fury, Arms, Feral cat and Retribution dps is too low and we will be buffing them.

2) We think mage dps is too high, especially Fire, and will be nerfing it.

3) We think Shadow priest dps is too high, but that's largely a result of Shadow Word: Death spam, which is tough on healers. We'll be fixing that.

4) We think Destro warlock dps is too high, but that's largely a result of Searing Pain spam, which is tough on tanks. We'll be fixing that.

5) As we suspected, PvP dps is just too high given that the health pools of Cataclysm haven't kicked in yet. While competitive PvP is over for the moment, we still want the environment to feel better so we will be buffing resilience. This change might be reverted at level 85.

There will probably be more changes after another night of raiding and BGs. Many of the bug fixes we have made today will affect dps as well. Stay tuned.

Edited, Oct 14th 2010 9:36am by xorq
#6 Oct 14 2010 at 11:37 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Well, I was pleased that I could buy the last 2 pieces of Relentless that pre-patch I couldn't be ***** to save up 25 arena points/day for a month.

I haven't done any BG's yet, just Wintergrasp, and actually it didn't feel any different even though my class (like most) has had a lot of changes. I hit a few new or different buttons, but I can still make melee classes cry like little girls, and warlocks can still two-shot me.

#7 Oct 14 2010 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I'm currently doing some BG's. For the first in a long time, my PvE-orientated priest is owning. Why? Because it takes enemy players about four seconds to kill me, after which angel form pops. 15 seconds of free heals on my teammates, which is just about long enough for them to clean up the entire assault. Not to mention Guardian Spirit.

It really feels as ultra-glascannony as it was when WOTLK launched, I guess.
#8 Oct 14 2010 at 5:15 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
xorq wrote:

It seems resil doesn't give enough of a benefit considering the amount of HP as compared to the damage people do. What I mean is, when the guns do 10 damage, there is no difference between having 15 hp and 20 hp because both ways you still go down in 2 shots.

As of about noon PST today:
"5) We increased the benefit of resilience by 50% for players level 80 and below. The tooltips will probably not reflect this change."

With that and the stealth buff to melee dps/nerf to the most OP of the caster DPS, I might actually spec out my feral druid and try Wintergrasp over the weekend...
#9 Oct 14 2010 at 6:17 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I heard they're buffing resilience to a 50% mitigation pre-81 or so.

Still, it kinda hurts right now. 25% damage mitigation is not much when people are critting for 20k+.
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#10 Oct 14 2010 at 8:46 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
I'm currently doing some BG's. For the first in a long time, my PvE-orientated priest is owning. Why? Because it takes enemy players about four seconds to kill me, after which angel form pops. 15 seconds of free heals on my teammates, which is just about long enough for them to clean up the entire assault. Not to mention Guardian Spirit.

Not to mention how unfair it is to have a fear AND a disorient AND a sprint all in one spec. Muhahahahaha. I probably capped more flags tonight in WSG than I have in my entire PVP experience to date.

I have to take my hat off to Moz. Holy PVP? Fun. Very fun.
#11 Oct 15 2010 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
Apparently people have caught up on the "no melee = dead before being in melee range" wave. I did a few AVs and when we got to the final boss we were all casters and there was nobody to tank. Boss had to be tanked by sending everyone's pets at him.

BTW, the number of pets of a full raid of casters + hunters is quite a swarm.

So if you're in AV, and you have a tank pet, have it ready for the boss.

Edited, Oct 15th 2010 6:03pm by xorq
#12 Oct 15 2010 at 5:10 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Stacking resilience on a healer results in near immortality. Not even joking, i have over 50% defence against player damage in holy pvp gear and no one outside org has got me below 50% yet. Planning to gem full resilience and see if they implemented a cap.

I also bought a wrathful glad mace and shield with spare honor, planning to collect full wrathful gear. I should get to around 1700 resilience or roughly 75% player damage reduction. Hoooooo!
#13 Oct 15 2010 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Wasn't the cap changed from 25% to 50%? Or something? I believe I read something about 50% somewhere.

And even with crits not getting blocked, I feel like I'm trying to bring down a mountain with a fork on my Druid. I can almost hear the *thud thud* sound animation when I try to Mangle someone. Shred crits of 3,000 when Mages crit me for 5k with Ice Lance. It's just sad.
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#14 Oct 15 2010 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Mazra wrote:
Wasn't the cap changed from 25% to 50%? Or something? I believe I read something about 50% somewhere.

And even with crits not getting blocked, I feel like I'm trying to bring down a mountain with a fork on my Druid. I can almost hear the *thud thud* sound animation when I try to Mangle someone. Shred crits of 3,000 when Mages crit me for 5k with Ice Lance. It's just sad.

Resilience got it's effectiveness buffed by 50%. Essentially if you were at 50% damage reduction prior to the hotfix, you're now at 75%.
#15 Oct 15 2010 at 11:23 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Oh, I see.

And with the conversion of emblems to points, everyone seems to be sporting full Relentless now. I know I went out and bought an extra piece right off the bat, and once I do one random battleground and one random heroic, I'll be able to get two more pieces.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#16 Oct 16 2010 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Mazra wrote:
Oh, I see.

And with the conversion of emblems to points, everyone seems to be sporting full Relentless now. I know I went out and bought an extra piece right off the bat, and once I do one random battleground and one random heroic, I'll be able to get two more pieces.

Relentless is also on honor.

I'm too busy leveling my hunter to care, to be honest. Smiley: frown
#17 Oct 16 2010 at 5:32 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
I repeat, i bought Wrathful gear with honor when i didn't have the rating required. Go to dalaran sewers and check it out. The item tooltip will be in red and say something like, requires a personal rating and team rating of 1800 to purchase but you can buy it anyway. The only thing you can't get hold of (for some reason) are items that required specifically, a 3v3 or 5v5 rating. So shoulders, T2 weapon or the wrathful tabard.

Edited, Oct 16th 2010 7:32am by ArtemisEnteri
#18 Oct 17 2010 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
Resil definitely isn't helping much - even with 1410 on my BG toon I'm getting slaughtered and it doesn't seem to matter if they're melee or casters (although casters are definitely obscene - only takes two or three of their big ticket nukes to slaughter me).

Not sure what the big QQ about afliction locks is all about - mine was getting his boney backside handed to him and even when I managed to dot someone up completely it didn't seem to really phase them.

Biggest annoyance for me though is the health bar bug - more often then not I'm either getting just names or nothing at all floating over people's heads which has resulted in several instances of me standing in a group of enemies casting at someone and not realizing I should be spamming AOE fear or seed. >_<
#19 Oct 18 2010 at 2:20 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
rusttle wrote:
Resil definitely isn't helping much - even with 1410 on my BG toon I'm getting slaughtered and it doesn't seem to matter if they're melee or casters (although casters are definitely obscene - only takes two or three of their big ticket nukes to slaughter me).

With 1410 resil you can't just /lol at people as they try to kill you? 1400 resil should be damn near 40% damage reduction, if not more.

Hell, I have 1200 resil and it takes 2-3 people to kill me. I openly /lol at every single class that tries to kill me, even if I don't start in stealth (other than mages, they still rape me).

This is really what I had hoped resilience would do to PvP: make it so that with equal resil it's a very skill-based fight, and without the person with resilience wins unless they're far better than the person with PvP gear.

It's just sad it took them four years to do it.
#20 Oct 18 2010 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Some tips for rusttle's affliction lock:

Basically just dot and drain, curse of weakness on melee. Cast drain life a lot, soulburn enhance it etc. Felhunter will die a lot, but that's cause resilience isn't transfering to pets. Every time it devours magic you get a big heal, so resummon it when t dies. Siphon life and drain life should keep you alive against anything reasonable (not 3+ dps probably).
#21 Oct 18 2010 at 10:58 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Speaking of locks, whatever change that is that heals their pets for 100% of damage dealt (talented, I believe) has resulted in them accounting for at least 3 of the top 5 healers in every BG I've been in. Kind of funny. In a demoralizing sort of way for healers. ;)
#22 Oct 18 2010 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
teacake wrote:
Speaking of locks, whatever change that is that heals their pets for 100% of damage dealt (talented, I believe) has resulted in them accounting for at least 3 of the top 5 healers in every BG I've been in. Kind of funny. In a demoralizing sort of way for healers. ;)

It's actually a bit trickier than that.

The talent heals pets for 15% of damage done. But Warlocks don't really get normal mana regen, instead they get HP regen and life tap. So what you're seeing in warlocks healing done is what you'd be seeing for all classes if "mana regenerated" counted as healing done.

#23 Oct 19 2010 at 6:41 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Yeah, and life tap previously put the locks generally right below the healers (along with the blood dk's) on total healing done. But now they are doing 800k healing in battlegrounds. That's not just life tap anymore. Asked a couple of locks in my guild and they suggested it was this pet healie thing.
#24 Oct 20 2010 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Okay, this is getting ridiculous.

I've got somewhere around 55k health in Bear Form (self-buffed) and 30k armor or whatever. I got 3-shot by a Warrior. 25% mitigation means jack sh*t when your opponent is critting you for 10k at a time.

A Rogue killed me in the time his Evasion was up. Literally, I dropped the moment Evasion dropped. In the meantime, thanks to zero expertise on PvP gear, my damage output was 'dodge, dodge, dodge, parry, dodge, miss' and dead.

I was fighting a Boomkin and he dodged three of my finishing moves. What in the hell has happened to the stats? I know I'm missing some expertise, but it's totally ******** over my game here. Am I supposed to gem for expertise on my PvP gear? What kind of planet is this? I wonder if it's nice on whatever planet the developers are on.

I honestly can't see why they changed resilience the way they did, when they also increased the DPS output of nearly every class in the game. I mean, even Hunters kill me now. I charge, they do the invulnerability thing, snare and backwards jump. I shift out to clear the snare and get stunned. Blow my trinket and charge the Hunter, who drops a trap and catches me without my trinket in Cat form. Buh-bye.

Already mentioned the 3-shotting Warrior and the 15-second Rogue. How about the Warlock self-healing from 50% life to 100% in one Death Coil? Or how about healers being super overpowered in general? Especially Holy Paladins. Three DPS couldn't take her down. Between CC, she still managed to sneak out a 1.5-second (before haste) cast that took her from almost dead to full.

I know, I'm crying all over the thread and it's not helping much. I just feel a wee bit underpowered as a Druid (which is like the story of our life, save for a brief period in TBC). Sure, if I get the drop, I can pop cooldowns and take someone to 50% and put on a nasty DoT or two, but if they have any kind of self-healing, they just heal it away, and if they can't self-heal, they'll just 3-shot me and then die.

I know I need more resilience, but I'm at barely 1k now, and I'm getting facemunched here. I doubt another 500 will do the trick, not that I'll get 500 more before the expansion hits, let alone before my mind implodes from Shadow Priests killing me in 5 GCD.

Edit: I'm rambling, I know. It's late and I'm frustrated. I think I'll put on my Resto gear and go laugh at some people trying to kill me through 9k HPS. Good stuff.

Edited, Oct 21st 2010 3:24am by Mazra
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#25 Oct 20 2010 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Er, I don't know what to tell you, Maz. Get some resilience? I've not been able to kill a reasonably-geared feral very easily, and the only thing allowing me to is Recuperate and Evasion.

It's to the point that I've hit feral druids with crit Backstabs for 2k that on every other class hit from 4k to 9k.

For locks? Uh, trinket the death coil, stun him so he can't regen HP, berserk so he can't fear you, and blow him the hell up. Locks are incredibly easy for both rogues and feral druids.

Don't worry btw, Shadow Priests are owning and facerolling over everyone. I kill them only because my gear is better and I'm a better player skill-wise.
#26 Oct 20 2010 at 8:53 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Trinketing the Death Coil doesn't prevent the healing from it, though. And they gave Demonology Warlocks a short-cast snare now (with quite a punch), plus a freakin' crazy Bladestorming Felguard. I get near the Warlock, they just go Metamorphosis, turn on Immolation Aura and channel Hellfire while dancing around.

I did trinket the Death Coil, charged, interrupted the Fear, applied some Mangles and Rip, but by then I was already out of health. Not landing a finisher until I was at 1% health sort of meant I got off an instant Healing touch a bit too late. Yes, I could have shifted out to cast a fast Regrowth, but did I mention that Demonology Warlocks can snare you? Yeah, well, the Felguard can also knock you down now with an axe throw. I kid you not.

My 980 resilience tells me I'm mitigating 28% damage or so. Will 500 resilience really matter? I mean, I fought some Wrathful guys as well, and if they kept their eyes forward, I could rip through them fairly well. The problem is just that usually they turn around and 3-shot me or something silly the moment I drop out of stealth.

One epic case was when I was solo defending Lumber Mill in Arathi Basin. A Wrathful Warrior with Shadowmourne came up. I opened with Pounce (stun + DoT), got 5 combo points from some lucky crits and quickly applied Rip. I switched to Bear Form and started kiting him around. He eventually dropped from the bleed damage, but I was at ~4k health then, just from his few hits before I went kite mode.

So I took 50k damage in the time he took 35k. And I was wearing armor equivalent to a Warrior/Paladin with a shield. Later on, when I met him again, I didn't have the luxury of opening on him with cooldowns, so he roflstomped me in the aforementioned three hits.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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