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World of Warcraft Acronym and Shortform ListFollow

#1 May 17 2006 at 12:54 PM Rating: Excellent
11,852 posts
I'm bored at work and I decided I want to be "productive" so it's time to create something...

I am going to try to flesh out this list on my own as best as I can. I am sure I will forget and leave out all sorts of things, and make all sorts of silly errors, so feel free to post in the thread and I'll add/fix it


World of Warcraft Acronym and Short Form List

By: Jordster. With contributions from Seoman, Riggy, Monkydung, Placeholder and many others. Thanks guys for your additions and suggestions.


(1) General Conversation
(2) Trading
(3) Grouping
(4.2) The Burning Crusade (NEW!)
(4) Outdoor Geography and cities
(5) Dungeons and Raids
(6) PvP and Battlegrounds
(7) Abilities, Spells and Speciliazations
(8) "L33T" terms

1. General Conversation
TTYL - Talk to you later
BBL - Be back later
BBS - Be back soon
GTG - Good to go, or Got to Go (confusing!)
G2G - same as GTG
OMW - On my way
BRT - Be right there
OOC - Out of character (Role-playing servers)
OMG - Oh my god
WTF - What the F
GFY - Good for you or Go F yourself

2. Trade
WTS - Willing to Sell
WTB - Willing to Buy
WTT - Willing to Trade
Mats - Materials (usually meaning bring your own and I'll craft)
OBO - Or best offer
PST - Please sent tell

3. Grouping/Combat
LFG - Looking for Group
LFM - Looking for members
LF#M - # is a number, Looking for # members
MT - Main Tank
CC - Crowd Control
OOC - Out of Combat
Inc - Incoming
Add - additional mobs pulled or patroled nearby
Pat - Patrol (Mobs that wander a zone)
ML - Master-Looter (party leader divides up loot)
OOM - Out of Mana
Buff - A beneficial spell with a duration
Debuff - A detrimental spell with a duration, or removal of a buff
DPS - Damage Per Second (in party, it usually means "go ahead and hit your hardest")
DPS - Damage Per Second (in LFG channel, usually means a class that specialiazes in damage)
AoE - Area of Effect (spell that does damage in an entire area)

4. Outdoor Geography and Cities

Major Cities:
Org - Orgrimmar
UC - Undercity
TB - Thunder Bluff
SW - Stormwind
IF - Ironforge
Darn - Darnassus

GG - Grom Gol
BB - Booty Bay (neutral city)
Gadget - Gadgetzan (neutral city)

STV - Stranglethorn Vale
STM - Stonetalon Mountain
EPL - Eastern Plaguelands
WPL - Western Plaguelands
SOS - Swamp of Sorrows
WS - Winterspring
1k - Thousand Needles

Admiral Placeholder wrote:
Well, while this is bumped, I'll contribute some BC stuff:

T4/T5/T6 - Tier 4/5/6. Refers to level of gear, or level of raid. Tier 4 is entry level raiding, followed by Tier 5, followed by Tier 6.

S1/S2/S3 - Season 1/2/3. Refers to Arena Seasons, often used to designate gear (i.e. S1 Shoulders referring to the Arena Season 1 shoulder armor).
Gear/Titles are as follows
Season 1 - Gladiator's...
Season 2 - Merciless Gladiator's...
Season 3 - Vengeful Gladiator's...


HFP - Hellfire Peninsula
Zang - Zangarmarsh
BEM - Blade's Edge Mountains
SMV - Shadowmoon Valley


H - Heroic Mode: Refers to Dungeon Difficulty Setting. Heroic Mode instances have their mobs, bosses, and loot re-tuned to level 70 players. All 5-man Burning Crusade instances have a heroic mode, accessible once a player reaches 'Honored' reputation with the instance's faction and purchases the corresponding heroic key.
ex. H Mech refers to The Mechanar on Heroic Mode.

Old World

Kara - Karazhan: 10-man T4 raid located in Deadwind Pass.
ZA - Zul'Aman: 10-man T4/T5 level raid located in Ghostlands.

Caverns of Time (Tanaris)
Durn - Escape from Durnhold Keep: level ~66-68 5-man.
BM - Opening the Dark Portal/Black Morass: level ~68-70 5-man.
MH - Battle of Mount Hyjal: level 70 25-man T6 raid.


Hellfire Citadel (HFP)
Ramps - Hellfire Ramparts: level ~60-62 5-man.
BF - Blood Furnace: level ~61-63 5-man.
SH - Shattered Halls: level ~69-70 5-man.
Mag - Magtheridon's Lair: level 70 25-man T4 raid.

Coilfang Reservoirs (Zang)
SP - The Slave Pens: level ~62-64 5-man.
UB - The Underbog: level ~63-65 5-man.
SV - The Steamvault: level ~70 5-man.
SSC - Serpentshring Cavern: level 70 25-man T5 raid.

Auchindoun (Terokkar Forest)
MT - Mana-Tombs: level ~64-66 5-man.
Crypts - Auchenei Crypts: level ~65-67 5-man.
SH - Sethekk Halls: level ~67-79 5-man.
SLabs - Shadow Labyrinth: level ~69-70 5-man.

Tempest Keep (Netherstorm)
Mech - The Mechanar: level 70 5-man.
Bot - The Botanica: level 70 5-man.
Arc - The Arcatraz: level 70 5-man.
TK - The Eye: level 70 25-man T5 raid.

Gruul's - Gruul's Lair: level 70 25-man T4 raid. Located in BEM.
BT - Black Temple: level 70 25-man T6 raid. Located in SMV.

(I'll add more later, this is just what I came up with off the top of my head before I had to run off to school)

Edited, Jan 17th 2008 7:47am by Placeholder

5. Dungeons and Raids
RFC - Ragefire Chasm
WC - Wailing Caverns
VC - Van Cleef (Deadmines boss)
DM - Deadmines
BFD - Blackfathom Depths
SFK - Shadowfang Keep
RFK - Razorfen Kraul
RFD - Razorfen Downs
SM - Scarlet Monestary
ZF - Zul Farrak
ST - The Temple of Atal'Hakkar, AKA Sunken Temple

More Intances and Encounters (Thanks Seoman)
RAQ - Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
TAQ - Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
DM East - Dire Maul, East Wing
DM West - Dire Maul, West Wing
DM North - Dire Maul, North Wing
Tribute - specific way of doing DM North
Liveside - Stratholme live side
Deadside - Stratholme dead side
Baron - Stratholme Deadside running the instance to the Baron Rivendare
Postmaster - specific way of doing Strat-Liveside
Rend - running the UBRS instance to just Rend Blackhand
General - running the entire UBRS instance
Mara - Maraduadon
Purple - "purple" section of Maradon
Orange - "orange" section of Maradon
Priness - last boss of Mara (usually implies running only the "inner" instance)
Inner mara - Running the second half of the instance only
ULD - Uldaman
Cath - Scarlet Monastery Cathedral
Graveyard or GY - Scarlet Monastery Graveyard
Armory - Scarlet Monastery Armory
Library - Scarlet Monastery Library

End-Game (L60 or close)
BRM - Blackrock Mountain (not an instance, but many instances located there)
BRD - Blackrock Depths (5-man, in BRM)
LBRS - Lower Blackrock spire (10-man or 5-man, in BRM)
UBRS - Upper Blackrock spire (10-man, in BRM)
Strat - Stratholme (5-man)
Scholo - Scholomance (5-man)
DM - Dire Maul (also Deadmines!)

Raid Dungeons:
ZG - Zul Gurub (20-man raid, in STV)
MC - Molten Core (40-man raid, in BRM)
BWL - Blackwing Lair (40-man raid, in BRM)
AQ - Anh'Qiraj (20-man and 40-man raid in Silithus)

GY - Graveyard

6. PvP and Battlegrounds
BG - Battleground
WSG - Warsong Gulch (10v10 Capture the Flag Battleground)
AB - Arathi Basin (15v15 Capture and Defend Battleground)
AV - Alterac Valley (40v40 Largescale Battlefriend BG)

HK - Honorable Kill
DK - Dishonorable Kill (killing a "civilian")
KB - Killing Blow (meaningless BG stat)

FC - Flag Carrier (In WSG)
FF - Focus Fire (all players coordinate attack on same target)

LM - Lumber Mill (AB Flag point)
BS - Blacksmith (AB Flag point)

Abilities, Spells and Specialization

Rez - Ressurection

NOte - for classes, I chose only abilities that are commonly used in chat, and did not go into specific abilities that you would generally only see in a class specific discussion.

Prot - Protection Specialization talents, for tanking
MS - Warrior's Mortal Strike Talent (31pt Arms Talent)
DW - Dual Wield

Ankh - Reagant needed for shaman self-rez
Resto - Restoration Specialization for Druids and shamans
NS - Nature's Swiftness (Druid and Shaman insta-cast talent)

DC - Deathcoil
SS - Warlock's Soulstone (self-rez cast on someone else)
HS - Warlock's Healthstone (restores health to user)

BM - Beastmastery Talent Tree
BW - Bestial Wrath, BM Hunter Ability
MM - Marksmanship Talent Tree
Tranq or TS - Hunter's Tranquilizing Shot, obtained in MC
FD - Feign Death ability

SS - Rogue's Sinister Strike ability
Evis - Eviscerate, Rogue's Finishing Move
Prep - Rogue talent that resets cooldowns

BoS - Blessing of Salvation (a.k.a. Salv or Salvation)
BoK - Blessing of Kings (a.k.a. Kings)
BoL - Blessing of Light
BoW - Blessing of Wisdom
BoF - Blessing of Freedom

MotW - Mark of the Wild
GotW - Gift of the Wild
Resto - Restoration Specialization
NS - Nature's Swiftness (Druid insta-cast talent)
Roots - Entangling Roots (DoT Snare)

AB - Arcane Brilliance
AI - Arcane Intellect
Sheep - Mage's Polymorph Ability

Fort - Prayer of Fortitude or Power Word Fortitude (Stamina buff)
PWF - Same as above
DS - Divine Spirit (+Spirit Buff, Talent)
PWS - Power Word Shield

L33T terms:
PWND - Owned. It's pronounced "Owned" not "Powned"
GG - Good Game (often used as slander)
FTW (or 4TW) - For the Win
QQ - "Cry More" (Eyes w/ tears)
L2P - Learn to Play (or Lurn2Play as they say)

Edited, Aug 2nd 2006 at 12:36pm EDT by Jordster

Edited, Jan 17th 2008 4:01pm by Jordster
#2 May 17 2006 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
1,748 posts
I still don't know why people don't just call the Dire Maul instances seperately with DME, DMW, DMT. But I guess it's because people rarely do anything but tribute
#3 May 17 2006 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
Nice list. You should probably add TAQ and RAQ to the dungeon list to distinguish the two AQs. And I would add PST to the Trade list as well.

Other than that, it looks like a decent general list. Perhaps things like MT, OT, HT# (I'm not sure if Heal Team # is common or just in-guild), FC (flag carrier, I've seen it becoming more common) and FF (focus fire on X) should also be added?

Edited, Wed May 17 14:04:46 2006 by Riggy
#4 May 17 2006 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,260 posts
One thing I have wondered, what is SM2?

I know regular SM is Scarlet Monestary.. but what is SM2?

I have heard Dire Maul called DM2 because people were calling Deadmines, but lately they call Deadmines VC, named after the boss (as posted above), and Dire Maul is just DM.
#5 May 17 2006 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
BRB - Be Right Back
AFK - Away from Keyboard

RAQ - Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
TAQ - Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
DM East - Dire Maul, East Wing
DM West - Dire Maul, West Wing
DM North - Dire Maul, North Wing
Tribute - specific way of doing DM North
Liveside - Stratholme live side
Deadside - Stratholme dead side
Purple - "purple" section of Mara
Orange - "orange" section of Mara
Baron - Stratholme Deadside running the instance to the Baron Rivendare
Postmaster - specific way of doing Strat-Liveside
Rend - running the UBRS instance to just Rend Blackhand
General - running the entire UBRS instance
Mara - Maraduadon
ULD - Uldaman
Cath - Scarlet Monastery Cathedral
Graveyard or GY - Scarlet Monastery Graveyard
Armory - Scarlet Monastery Armory
Library - Scarlet Monastery Library

Test of Skulls - horde quest chain to kill 4 dragons

SOS - Swamp of Sorrows

TM - Tarren Mill
LHC - Light's Hope Chapel

MS - Warrior's Mortal Strike
Tranq or TS - Hunter's Tranquilizing Shot
FD - Hunter's Feign Death
Ankh - Shaman's Self-Resurrection Ability
Sheep - Mage's Polymorph Ability

New category (in party game terms):
CC - Crowd Control
OOC - Out of Combat
INC - Incoming
ADD - additional mobs pulled or patroled nearby
PAT - Group of mobs that wander a zone

Misc. Terms:
Deadzone - refers to the small area that is out of melee combat range but not in ranged combat range

Ony - Onyxia
Drak - General Drakisath (last boss in UBRS)
Rend - Rend Blackhand (UBRS)
Luci - Lucifron (boss in MC)
Nef - Nefarion (last boss in BWL)
Vael - Vaelstraz (2nd boss in BWL)
Drakes - refers to the 4 drake bosses in BWL
Domo - Major Domo Executus (2nd to last boss in MC)
Rags - Ragnaros (last boss in MC)

OEB - Obsidian Edged Blade
BSH - Bone Slicing Hatchets
IBS - Ice Barbed Spear
TUF - The Unstoppable Force
TF - Thunderfury
#6 May 17 2006 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
Nice list! Let me add a few that come to mind...

OMW - On my way
BRT - Be right there
[Will add more as I think of them]
#7 May 17 2006 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
698 posts
Dont know about the rest of you, but my server generally refers to AQ as AQ20/AQ40.
#8 May 17 2006 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
Some of these may have already been posted, this is simply copy and paste from my own acronym guide on my guild's forum:

Random (No order)
PvP : Person versus Person. Players fight players.
PvE : Person versus Environment. Players fight world, PvP Optional.
RP : Role-playing. Playing your character, PvE environment.
SS : Soulstone : Warlock (Before I learned what a Soulstone was, I though SS meant Sinister Strike and later Soul Shard)
SS : SS can also mean screenshot
SS : SS can also mean Sinister Strike as I mentioned above... slightly mentioned
Inc : Incoming
MT : Mis-tell / Mis-type
MT : MT can also mean Main Tank
MA : Main Assistant
AoE : Area of Effect
DoT : Damage over Time
DPS : Damage Per Second
HoT: Heal over Time
LFG : Looking for Group
LFM : Looking for More
LFR : Looking for Raid
PST : Please Send Tell
WTT : Wanting to Trade
WTS : Wanting to Sell
WTB : Wanting to Buy
LTB : Looking to Buy
LTT : Looking to Trade
LTS : Looking to Sell
BoP : Bind on Pick-up
BoE : Bind on Equip
ML : Master-Looter
DE : Disenchant
(I)AE : (Instant) Arcane Explosion (Mage)
CC : Crowd Control
Warr : Warrior
War : Warlock (I've mixed this and the above up before. However, most people refer to Warlocks as 'Locks instead of Wars)
UD : Undead
NE : Night Elf
OOM : Out Of Mana
ToEP : Talisman of Ephemeral Power (Trinket)
ZHC : Zandalarian Hero Charm (Trinket)
PoM : Presence of Mind (Mage)

World Dungeons (In alphabetical order)
BFD : Blackfathom Deeps : Level 24-32 : Ashenvale - Zoram Strand
BRD : Blackrock Depths : Level 52+ : Between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes
URBS : Upper Blackrock Spire : Level 58+ : Between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes
LBRS : Lower Blackrock Spire : Level 58+ : Between Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes
DM/VC : Dead Mines (Van Cleef) : Level 17-26 : Westfall - Moonbrook
DM : Dire Maul : Level 55-60 : Feralas
Gnomer : Gnomeregan : Level 29-38 : Dun Morogh
Mara : Maraudon : Level 46-55 : Desolace
RFC : Ragefire Chasm : Level 13-18 : Orgrimmar
RFD : Razorfen Downs : Level 33-40 : Barrens
RFK : Razorfen Kraul : Level 25-30 : Barrens
Scholo : Scholomance : Level 57+ : Western Plaguelands
SFK : Shadowfang Keep : Level 22-30 : Silverpine Forest
Strath : Stratholme : Level 58-60 : Eastern Plaguelands
SM : Scarlet Monastery : Level 34-45 : Tirisfal Glades
Stocks : Stockades : Level 24-32 : Stormwind
ST : Sunken Temple (The Temple of Atal'Hakkar) : Level 45-55 : Swamp of Sorrows
Uld: Uldaman : Level 35-47 : Badlands
WC : Wailing Caverns : Level 17-24 : Barrens
ZF : Zul'Farrak : Level 44-54 : Tanaris

Ony = Onyxia's Lair
#9 May 17 2006 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
2,588 posts
didn't we start an abbreviations thread a few weeks ago? i'm not a subscriber, so i can't search the forums. but i'm sure i contributed weapon abbreviations.
#10 May 17 2006 at 2:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
DM = Deadmines Smiley: wink2

Hey Jord, if you get this list all perty, mind if I make a guide out of it?

#11 May 17 2006 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
11,852 posts
Mistress Darqflame wrote:
DM = Deadmines Smiley: wink2

Hey Jord, if you get this list all perty, mind if I make a guide out of it?

Not at all ... but give me a while to make it perty first (and please keep the formatting tags in when you make it a guide!)
#12 May 17 2006 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
didn't we start an abbreviations thread a few weeks ago? i'm not a subscriber, so i can't search the forums. but i'm sure i contributed weapon abbreviations.

Yes, it was started up a while back; someone wondered what a few instances meant, so I listed them all. It expanded as people contributed more information, and some poster was making a master list to send in as a guide (I think).

I don't care; Jord's list is just as fine as the last one, but yeah, I'm having flashbacks :-P
#13 May 17 2006 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
1,748 posts
ZOMG HEL ME!!!! - I got touched by the mob and I'm a scared, sad panda.

Smiley: wink
#14 May 17 2006 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
I suppose you could also go into the individual class abbrieviations. These are the "important" ones, really. The most commonly asked for ones.

Most Common Paladin Blessings:
BoS - Blessing of Salvation (a.k.a. Salv or Salvation)
BoK - Blessing of Kings (a.k.a. Kings)
BoL - Blessing of Light
BoW - Blessing of Wisdom

Druid Buffs:
MotW - Mark of the Wild
GotW - Gift of the Wild

Mage Buffs:
AB - Arcane Blessing
AI - Arcane Intellect

Priest Buffs:
Fort - Prayer of Fortitude
DS - Divine Spirit

I'm trying not to duplicate anything that others have posted. I'll try and add more as I think of them.

Edited, Wed May 17 15:56:06 2006 by Riggy
#15 May 17 2006 at 3:05 PM Rating: Default
... and winterspring aint a city, its a zone ^_^
The town is called Everlook, i have never seen it shortened EL though o.O
#16 May 17 2006 at 3:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts

Usually written like this:


It means "you suck"...

...I think.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#17 May 17 2006 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
1,876 posts
Some Hunter ones... (In no real order)
BM - Beast Mastery (Talent Tree)
MM - Marksmanship (Talent Tree)
Surv - Survival (Talent Tree)

SS - Scatter Shot (Talent...yes, another SS)
AS - Aimed Shot (Talent)
TSA - Trueshaot Aura (Talent, top of the MM tree)
RS - Raptor Strike (Skill)
MS - Multi-Shot (Skill)
AotH - Aspect of the Hawk (Skill, taleted version of ImpAotH for Improved...)
AotM - Aspect of the Monkey (Skill)
AotW - Aspect of the Wild (Skill)
RF - Rapid Fire (Skill)
WC - Wing Clip (Skill)
LR - Lightning Reflexes (Talent)
RWS - Ranged Weapon Specialization (Talent)

Hunter Gear
BS [item] - Beaststalker (Tier 0)
BM [item] - Beastmaster (Tier 0.5)
GS [item] - Giantstalker (Tier 1)
DS [item] - Dragonstalker (Tier 2)

LW - Leatherworking
DS - Dragonscale
Trib - Tribal
Ele - Elemental
FA - First Aid (not too common tho)
Herb - Herbalism
Alch - Alchemy

XR - Crossroads (Barrens)
Camp T - Camp Taurajo (Barrens)
1k - Thousand Needles

May want to add a comment that context can play a large role in the different meanings of the same (or similar) shorthand. (ex. SS for Southshore, Scatter Shot, Soulstone, Sinister Strike, etc)
#18 May 17 2006 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
11,852 posts
zetnulfemex wrote:
... and winterspring aint a city, its a zone ^_^
The town is called Everlook, i have never seen it shortened EL though o.O

One day I'll get to L60. Until then I think you're wrong. Winterspring is a town in Everlook, which is south of Azshara and NOrth of the great sea.

#19 May 17 2006 at 3:30 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
And for the love of god, please edit out your edit tags, Jord.. Smiley: disappointed

Ps. Winterspring is the area, Everlook is the city. Check your reputation bars for Steamwheedle Cartel...

And this link:;jsessionid=332E4FA8D2103FF98BBEC6595D571FA6.08_app04

Edited, Wed May 17 16:32:41 2006 by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#20 May 17 2006 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
What's the scope of this guide? I immediately looked at it from a raid or group efficiency and so listed the generic ones. My knee-jerk reaction to Cafe's post was that those were all too specific and are rarely used (at least in raid channels). So before we go too much further with suggestions, what's the scope of the project set before us?


Figures I thought of PW:S, SW:P, and LoH after I said that.
#21 May 17 2006 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
11,852 posts
Mazra wrote:
And for the love of god, please edit out your edit tags, Jord.. Smiley: disappointed

Ps. Winterspring is the area, Everlook is the city. Check your reputation bars for Steamwheedle Cartel...

And this link:;jsessionid=332E4FA8D2103FF98BBEC6595D571FA6.08_app04

Edited, Wed May 17 16:32:41 2006 by Mazra

Nope. Everlook is a Zone and Winerspring is a District

(you guys need your sarcasm detection tuned up or something. I think because my sig says Im' L27 people think I'm a newbie or something ... It was originally just a flip-flop mistake and it's now fixed)

Edited, Wed May 17 16:54:23 2006 by Jordster
#22 May 17 2006 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
11,852 posts
Prince Riggy wrote:
What's the scope of this guide? I immediately looked at it from a raid or group efficiency and so listed the generic ones. My knee-jerk reaction to Cafe's post was that those were all too specific and are rarely used (at least in raid channels). So before we go too much further with suggestions, what's the scope of the project set before us?


Figures I thought of PW:S, SW:P, and LoH after I said that.

Nothing is out of scope of this guide ... I'll keep adding to it.

What I'm going to do eventually is make 2 lists composed of the same items -- one organized by category (like it is now) and the other organized in alphabetical order.
#23 May 17 2006 at 3:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I don't get it...

(Gadgetzan is a zone?)
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#24 May 17 2006 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
11,852 posts

Looking at the above post about Hunter ability - I think that's too specific. Those acronyms are highly specific and would really only be used in context specific discussion. I.e. GS for Giantstalker, or RWS for Ranged Weapon Spec.
#25 May 17 2006 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
NM. Figured it out.

I need more sleep.

Edited, Wed May 17 17:01:05 2006 by Tyrandor
#26 May 17 2006 at 4:32 PM Rating: Good
629 posts
This should be stickied somewhere! Excellent Work in progress Jordster! Rateups!

Please add:

OMW On My Way
OTB On The Bird (Bat)
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